PHRM MCQ Flashcards
What is an antibacterial?
A substance that destroys bacteria or suppresses bacterial growth or reproduction
What is a microbial?
Substances that destroy microorganisms and suppress microbial growth or reproduction
What is the difference between an antimicrobial and an antibiotic?
Antibiotics are produced naturally (e.g. from mould). Antimicrobials may be produced from synthetic or biological material
What is antimicrobial resistance? (AMR)
AMR is a microorganisms ability to grow and reproduce or to survive exposure to an antimicrobial.
When does AMR occur?
It occurs when an antimicrobial that was previously effective is no longer effective. AMR is exaberated by human factors e.g. too much antimicrobial use.
What is antimicrobial stewardship?
A systematic approach to optimising antimicrobial therapy.
What are bacteria?
One of the major groups of microoraganisms, some of which can infect and cause disease in humans and animals.
What are Critically Important Antimicrobials?
Last resort antimicrobials for human infection
What is empiric treatment?
Treatment given without confirmation of the cause of disease and based on clinical judgement.
What are microorganisms or microbes?
Microscopic living organisms e.g. bacteria, viruses, protozoa, parasites, some fungi.
What is One Health?
A concept that recognises that the health of people is connected to the health of animals
What is susceptibility testing?
Used to determine if a microorganism is susceptible or not to a selection of antimicrobial agents
Abbreviation: AHI
Animal Health Ireland
Abbreviation: AMS
Antimicrobial stewardship
Abbreviation: AMR
Antimicrobial resistance
Abbreviation: AMU
Antimicrobial use
Abbreviation: BSI
Bloodstream infection
Abbreviation: CIDR
Computerised infectious disease reporting
Abbreviation: DDD
Defined daily dose
Abbreviation: DoH
Dept. of health
Abbreviation: EARS-Net
European antimicrobial resistance surveillance network
Abbreviation: FAO
Food and agriculture organisation
Abbreviation: HCAI
Healthcare assocaited infection
Abbreviation: HPRA
Health products regulatory authority
Abbreviation: ID
Infectious disease
Abbreviation: MDR
Multi drug resistance
Abbreviation: MDRO
Multi drug resistance organism
Abbreviation: OIE
World organisation for animal health
Abbreviation: PVP
Private veterinary practitioner
Abbreviation: RVL
Regional veterinary laboratory
Is penicillin more commonly used in humans or animals?
What is the most common causative pathogen of BSI in humans?
Name two types of zoonotic bacteria
Abbreviation: iNAP
Ireland’s National Action Plan
Where does Ireland rank in terms of antimicrobial use in animals?
17th / 30 (2016)
How long have antimicrobials been in use for animals?
since 1950s
Why is AMU in animals of concern to humans?
Passed on through consumption of products, contact with treated animals, the environment. This can affect effective treatment of infections in humans.
What is the role of the HPRA?
Approve veterinary drugs. Gather information nationally on the consumption of veterinary antimicrobial drugs
Where does Salmonella live?
In the GI tract of domestic and wild animals
How is Salmonella transmitted?
Direct contact with infected animals or humans, contact with faecally contaminated environments, ingestion of faecally contaminated food or beverages.
Are E.coli normally found in the body?
Yes, in the gut flora of healthy animals
What are Carbapenems?
Antimicrobials licensed exclusively for humans
Are tetracyclines more commonly used in humans or animals?
What drug classes are used in veterinary?
Usually older drug classes compared with human medicine. 88% are from classes such as penicillins and tetracyclines.
List 7 risk factors for the development of AMR
Too low dosage, too short duration, too long duration, too often, blanket measure in an untargeted manner, treatment of bacteria that are not susceptible to antibiotics, treatment of diseases caused by viruses or other germs not susceptible to antibiotics.
Abbreviation: EMA
European Medicines Agency
Who publishes advice regarding antibiotics?