Phrases - Pets (Pet ownership) Flashcards
This is my pet bird, Mary is her name.
Nāku tēnei manu, ko Mary tōna ingoa.
Those dogs (over there) belong to the Jones family.
Nā te whānau Jones ērā kurī.
That’s the kids cat, stroke him if you like.
Nā ngā tamariki te ngeru, me pōpo koe.
I miss Ziggy (the pet dog).
Kei te mokemoke au ki a Ziggy.
I have had enough of that cat
Kua hōhā au ki tēnā ngeru.
The neighbours have complained again about our noisy dog.
Kua amuamu mai anō ngā kiritata mō tā tātou kurī hoihoi.
Be careful or he might bite you!
Kia tūpato kei ngaua koe!
He his baring his teeth, be careful!
Kei te tetē ia, kia tūpato!
Can you hear him purring? He really likes this.
Kei te rongo koe i a ia e tamumu ana? He mahi āhuareka tēnei ki a ia.
Who’s my best friend in the world, is it you?
Ko wai taku tino hoa i te ao nei, ko koe?
Roll over, lie on your back, so I can scratch your stomach.
Hurihia, tīraha mai, kia rapirapihia tō puku.
Don’t let him / her lick your face.
Kaua e tukua kia mitimiti i tō kanohi.
Eeew yuck, your saliva!
Auē, tō hūware!