Phrases & Particular Words 🇬🇧 Flashcards
If you don’t mind my boldness.
Cause I live to shock, I think.
Yet, I can be utterly mysterious.
You’re quite beautiful, did you know that?
It’s best you stay like that. It suits you.
It’s best
Don’t be coy.
I tried coyness once, couldn’t carry it off.
To carry off - to achieve something , to succeed in something.
(Não conseguir levar ou suceder, sustentar)
I do raise quite a few eyebrows when outside and one of the reasons is that I definitely look outlander and the other reason is that I certainly look beautiful; always with my impeccable hair and amazing outfit. I never head outside looking ugly.
I get my fair share of attention.
Should I feign modesty?
Fair share - a reasonable amount.
I’ve choked my fair share = eu sufoquei a minha quantidade razoável. (Eu usei/fiz demais)
Fair share of attention = receber uma parte razoável de atenção.
To raise eyebrows = to draw attention from people/ people stares at you.
To feign - to fake something/ fingir (tenho que fingir modéstia)
She’s had her fair share of tragedies in her lugubrious life.
Ela teve sua quantiadade razoável de tragedias em sua vida lúgubre.
I trust you shan’t be disappointed with me.
Discretion is the watch-cry of my work.
I do hold my partners in high esteem.
I appreciate being around sophisticated people.
Shan’t = shall not
Watch-cry = slogan, a watchword, a title
Hold someone in high esteem - give them high values, treat them amazingly.
You are accustomed to wealth, you enjoy showing off your achievements very much.
Show off - to brag (mostrar que tem) you are showing off yourself now.
Accustomed - used to (acostumado)
I can see clearly that you have your unbridled pleasures of youth
We all seek for unbridled pleasures in life. Isn’t that true?
Unbridled - desenfreado.
Prazeres desenfreados.
We are all making a concerted effort to appear younger, improve our appearance somehow.
Concerted effort - to really effort to do something
T’was a dispiriting endeavor.
I endeavoured to explain how life is in such an extreme part of the world but I guess t’was a feeble attempt.
He took no notice.
Demotivational - dispiriting endeavor
Empenho desanimador, desmotivacional
I endeavoured to explain - eu empenhei em explicar.
Feeble attempt - tentativa fraca, fail
To take no notice - to ignore
He endeavoured to explain to me how was life in Finland, specially in the winter times, which is quite challenging. And for me, everything just sounded so extraordinary and fun until when I experienced my third winter. I guess I took no notice on the sordid details.
I took no notice - nao prestei atenção
I’m feeling buggered.
You look buggered, I believe you should definitely rest.
Buggered - meaning to be very tired.
I’m all for living life to the full and bugger the consequences later.
Bugger - slang = to deal in a bad way with the consequences
You need to appraise my English level, please.
To appraise - to evaluate the worth of something; (AVALIAR)
The service was appraised in a great way.
I do not have forbearance for prejudgments, unless if they’re related to clothing at first sight.
Não ter paciência/tolerancia
I simply don’t have forbearance for that - Eu simplesmente nao tenho paciência para aquilo/isso.