Phrases General Flashcards
I must… / I have to
I must buy
Devo comprare…
I should
How old are you? / How many years have you? (familiar)
Quanti anni hai?
Where do you live? / Where do you reside? (polite)
Dove abita?
Show me. [L. [You] show to me.]
Slow down!
I want to go
Voglio andare.
Do you have something else? (polite)
Ha qualcosa d’altro?
the opposite of big
il contrario di grande
I don’t know the word.
Non conosco la parola.
That means
Does that mean… ?
Significa che… ?
What does that mean?
Che significa? / Cosa vuol dire?
I need… / I have need of
Ho bisogno di…
Where is Joe’s suitcase?
Dov’è la valigia di Joe?
very well
molto bene / benissimo
Of course.
It’s clear
È chiaro.
It’s fine. / It goes well.
Va bene.
O.K., no problem
Oh-Key, Non c’è problema.
It’s not bad.
Non è male.
not bad
niente male
It’s good
È buono.
I’m hungry. / I have hunger
Ho fame.
I’m thirsty. / I have thirst.
Ho sete.
I’m hot. / I’m warm. [L. I have hot.]
Ho caldo.
I’m cold [L. I have cold.]
Ho freddo.
I’m busy. [L. I have (things) to do.]
Ho da fare.
I’m lost. [L. (I) myself am lost.]
Mi sono perso.
It’s nice weather. / It makes beautiful weather
Fa bel tempo.
It’s cold. [L. It makes cold.]
Fa freddo.
It’s hot. / It’s warm
Fa caldo.
It’s cool
Fa fresco.
It’s sunny. / There is the sun.
C’è il sole.
It’s windy. / There is wind
C’è vento.
You are sick. (familiar)
Stai male.