Phrases from L1 Exercises 10-12 Flashcards
What day is today? (Translate)
Che giorno è oggi?
Do you like dancing? (Translate)
Ti piace ballare?
When is your birthday? (Translate)
Quando è il tuo compleanno?
Where were you born? (Translate)
Dove sei nato/a?
Di dove sei?
How old is your brother? (Translate)
Quanti anni ha tuo fratello?
You want to know how old she/he is.
Quanti anni hai?
You want to know his/her name.
Come ti chiama?
You want to know how she/he is doing.
Come stai?
You want to know where he/she is from.
Di dove sei?
You want to know if he/she attends high school or university.
Frequenti il liceo o l’università?
You want to know if she/he has brothers and sisters, and what their names are.
Hai fratelli? Sorelle? Come si chiamano?
until what age lasts the compulsory education in Italy?
until one is 16 years old
At what age do Italian students graduate?
What options are open for students who complete the 8th grade?
They can go to the liceo, or to professional training schools
What are the symbols of Rome, remained through the centuries?
The she wolf milking the twins romolo and remo, mythical founders of rome, and S.P.Q.R. (senatus populusque romanus)