Phrases and Idioms Flashcards
Don’t throw good money after bad
Não jogue dinheiro fora
Make my hair stand on end
Make me feel frightneed
I lost my cool
~ I got angry
Eu dei um piti, explodi
That was the final straw
Aquilo foi o limite, a ultima gota
I reached the end of my tether
~ I reached the end of my tolerance
I seethed with rage
Eu fervilhei de raiva
You make me flip
~ you make me angry
Clinch a sale
Fechar uma venda
In the event of something
In case there is something
To get a foot in the door
Get your first opportunity, that will hopefully lead to sth better
A (real) slave driver
Explorador, escravizador
A carrot and stick approach
Offering inventives (and/or punishments)
To be up your ears in the work
Very very busy with work
To keep your nose to the grind store
Stay focused on your work
I was made redundant
Eu fui demitido = laid off (no mistakes)