phrases Flashcards
kia ora
What is your name?
Ko wai tō ingoa?
What is your surname/family?
Ko wai tō whānau?
Where are you from?
Nō hea koe?
good morning
mōrena / ata mārie
good night
pō mārie
kia pai te rā
have a good day
goodbye (to person leaving)
haere rā
goodbye (to person staying)
e noho rā
goodbye (said by either person)
he konei rā
goodbye (on telephone/email - not in person)
he konā rā
ka kite anō i a koe/kōrua/koutou
see you again
see you later at some point in the future
mā te wā
Kei hea tō kāinga?
Where is your home (now)?
Where do you live?
…and you? (in reply to question)
…me koe?
Ko wai tō ingoa?
What is your name?
My name is Kelly.
Ko Kelly taku ingoa.
Ko wai tō whānau?
What is your family?
My family is Atkinson.
Ko Atkinson taku whānau.
Nō hea koe?
Where are you from (past)?
I’m from Arizona.
Nō Arizona ahau.
Kei Ōwairaka taku kāinga.
I live in Ōwairaka.
I don’t have __family member___.
Kāore aku __family member___.
Kāore au i te mohio.
I don’t know.
Ko wai ō mātua?
Who are your parents?
Kei te pēhea koe?
How are you?
How are you?
Kei te pēhea koe?
Kei te pai ahau!
I am good!