Phrases Flashcards
As per usual
Taua āhua anō
Where are you going?
Kei te haere koe ki hea?
How many ….?
Tokohia ngā …
out of breath
kua pau te hau
I am extremely well
Kei te tino ora au
That is enough
Ka nui tēnā
What is his/her name?
Ko wai tana ingoa
Where you off to?
Ki hea tō haere?
Very well thank you
Ka nui te pai
Never better
Response to Kei te pēhea koe?
Te mutunga kē mai o te pai
And you?
Me koe?
Very busy, snowed under
Kei te pokea e te mahi
Not well/good
Kāore i te pai
How many do you want?
Kia hia ngā … māu
Tae mai
How many?
E hia ngā….?
It is apparent
Ko te āhua nei
We will begin by doing a karakia
Ka timata tātou mā karakia
so so, well enough
Response to Kei te pēhea koe?
Heoi anō
That is great
Hē pai tēnā
Going under, sick, cant cope
Kei raro e putu ana
What a lot of ……
E hia kē mai nei ngā ……
He aha
Pass the stick (speaking rod)
Whuia ke te rakau