Phrases Flashcards
please repeat
3awd(i) 3afak
otra vez, por favor
What are you talking about?
ash kat gol?
De que hablas?
What are you doing now?
Ach katdir(i) deba?
Que haces ahora?
Did you understand?
Wash fhamti?
Excuse me! Where is the toilet?
Sm7 li, fin toilet 3afek?
almost anything
Ta9riban koulchi
casi todo
What are you doing today?
Ach katdir(i) l-yum?
Que haces hoy?
I will talk to you later
N-hadar m3ac manba3d
n-thadro manba3d
Hablamos mas tarde
slowly please
b schwiya 3afek
despacio, por favor
I don’t know
No se
no lo se
what did you say?
shnu gliti?
que dijiste?
I promise you
Te prometo
I want to ask you
bghit nsawelk
Did you have breakfast yet?
Ftartii? Klitii ftour wla baqi?
Ya desayunaste?
What did you make for lunch?
Achno tayabti lghda?
que cocinaste para el almuerzo?
I’m paying attention
Ana mrakz-a m3ak (Ana m3ak)
estoy escuchando
What is [word]?
shnu hiya [word] ?
que es [palabra]?
What time is it?
sh7al sa3a?
que hora es?
I am eating now
ana kan naklu daba
estoy comiendo ahora
I just woke up right now
3ad faqt daba
me acabo de despertar ahora
Come to me
Aji andi
Ven a mi
I don’t understand you
no te entiendo
Not now
Mashi daba
It is raining a lot here
Kayna shta bzaf hna
está lloviendo mucho aquí
My head hurts
rasi kay dar ni
Me duele la cabeza
I don’t understand
no entiendo
How was your day?
kif Daz nharek?
Que tal tu dia?
I’m watching tv
kan tfarraj f-tlfaza
estoy viendo la television
I am hungry
fia jou3
tengo hambre
excuse me
sm3 li7
Did you eat already?
Klitii wla baqi? Klitii?
kliti ola mazal
Ya comiste?
Did you understand me?
Wash fhamtin-i?
Me entiendes?
Not me
Mashi ana
no problem
mashi mushkil
no hay problema
repeat please?
3awd(i) 3afak
otra vez, por favor
My day was good
nhari Daz zwine/mziyan
Mi dia fue bueno
Where are you?
Donde estas?