phrases Flashcards
periculum in mora
there is danger in delay
ubi mel, ibi apes
where there is honey, there are bees
ubi amici, ibi opes
where there are friends, there is wealth
ubi ius incertum, ibi nullum ius
where there is uncertain law, there is no law
mos maiorum
custom of our ancestors
nullam rem e nilo; natura neque ad nilum interimat res
nothing comes from nothing; nor does nature destory things to nothing
felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas
fortunate is he who has been able to learn the causes of things
non semper ea sunt quae videntur
thingsare not always what they seem
fata obstant
the fates oppose
operose nihil agunt
they are busy doing nothing
quae nocent, docent
that which hurts teaches
fama nihil est celeries
nothing is faster than a rumor
cattus amat piscem sed non vult tangere flumen
the cat loves a fish but doesnt want to touch the river
scientia libertas est
knowledge is freedom
di magni!
great gods
ad iove principium
from jove is the beginning
io saturnalia
hail saturnalia
bonas ferias
happy holidays
nostro periculo
at our own risk
multa paucis
many things in few words
pauca sed bona
few things but good things; quality over quantity
magnum bonum
a great good
dies irae
judgement day
arcana imperii
secrets of the empire
meum et tuum
mine and yours
meum malum
my bad
amabo te
lit. I will love will
as if
a priori
taking a general law or idea and applying it to a particular instance without needing experimentation or observation
a posteriori
arguments based actual observation or experimentation