Phrases Flashcards
Alep a ozela
Son of a Goat
Sag ti
time to
sag ti tovya dovie’andi
time to toss the dice
lal aso
have you
prefix means “of”
Al Caldazar!
For the red eagle
al Chalidholara malkier
For my sweet land Malkier!
Al dival, al Kiserai, al mashi!
For light, glory, and love
Al Ellisande
For the Rose of the Sun!
Bajad drovja
Spawn of a beldam
Carai an Caldazar! Al Caldazar!
For the honor of the Red Eagle! For the Red Eagle
Carai an manshimaya aend’an!
honor of my blade for the fallen!
Desye gavane cierto cuendar isain carentin
a resolule heart is worth ten arguments
Devoriska nolvae. Al ciyat dale.
What was asked is given. The price is paid.
Deyeniye, dyu ninte concion ca’lyet ye
Majesty, by your summons do I come.
Dovie’andi se tovya sagain
Its time to roll the dice.
Ghiro feal dae’vin lormae: ghiro o’vin gemarisae
Thus is our treaty written; thus is agreement made.
Tia mi aven Moridin isainde vadin
The grave is no bar to my call.
Sene sovya caba’donde ain dovienya
Luck is a horse to ride like any other.
Ninte calichniye no dashita
Your welcome warms me
Sa souvraya niende misain yet
I am lost in my own mind.
Nosane iro gavane domorakoshi, Diynen’d’ma’purvene?
Speak we what language, Sounder of the Horn?
Nardes vasen’cierto ain: sind vyen loviyagae
thought is the arrow of time; memory never fades.