Phrases 7 Flashcards
Prašom sėstis!
Please sit down!
Prašom prie stalo!
Please come to the table!
Prašom valgyti!
Please eat!
Prašom gerti!
Please drink!
Prašom ragauti!
Please taste!
Valgykite pyrago!
Eat some cake!
Valgyk pyrago!
Eat cake!
Prašom torto!
Please have some cake!
Imkite mėsos!
Take some meat!
Imk sumuštinį!
Take a sandwich!
Prašom įpilti vandens!
Please pour some water!
Įpilk vandens!
Pour water!
Paduokite duonos!
Pass the bread!
Paduok duonos!
Pass some bread!
Prašom įdėti mėsos!
Please add some meat!
Įdėk mėsos!
Add some meat!
Prašom kavos!
Please have some coffee!
Gal kavos?
Maybe some coffee?
Gal vandens?
Maybe some water?
Gal norite kavos?
Would you like some coffee?
Ko tu nori? Kavos ar arbatos?
What do you want? Coffee or tea?
Gal nori kavos?
Maybe you want coffee?
Man patinka kava. Ar tau / jums patinka kava?
I like coffee. Do you (informal/formal) like coffee?
Man labai patinka sūris. O tau / jums?
I really like cheese. And you (informal/formal)?
Gal kavos?
Maybe some coffee?
Taip, ačiū. Mielai!
Yes, thank you. Gladly!
Enjoy your meal!
Ačiū. Ir tau!
Thank you. And you too!
Gero apetito!
Bon appétit!
Ačiū. Ir jums!
Thank you. And you too! (formal)
Ar skanu?
Is it tasty?
Labai skanu!
Very tasty!
Gal dar ko nors?
Maybe something else?
Ne, ačiū, nieko.
No, thank you, nothing.
Ačiū, buvo labai skanu!
Thank you, it was very delicious!
Į sveikatą!
Cheers! (or “To your health!”)
Tavo pyragas labai skanus!
Your cake is very delicious!
Ačiū. Malonu girdėti!
Thank you. Nice to hear!