Phrases Flashcards
Link (n)
En absoluto (SP)
Not at all
Contárselo a su abuela (SP)
Tell it to the judge
No necesitar abuela (SP)
Toot one’s own horn
Nadar en la abundancia (SP)
To be rolling in the money
Aburrirse como una ostra (SP)
To get bored to tears
Abusar de (SP)
To take advantage of (in the bad sense)
Just in case (SP)
Por si acaso
Echare aceite al fuego (SP)
To add fuel to the fire
Aclarar las cosas (SP)
To clear the air
Estar en plena actividad (SP)
To be in full swing
Acto seguido (SP)
Immediately afterwards
En el acto (SP)
At once (Dígale que venga en el acto)
Concertar un acuerdo (SP)
To come to terms
Estar en traje de Adán (SP)
To be in one’s birthday suit
Hacer ademán de (SP)
To make as if to…
Pensar para sus adentros (SP)
To think to oneself
Tener afición a (SP)
To be fond of
Ser aficionado a (SP)
To be a fan of
Hacer su agosto (SP)
To make a killing
Rainwater (n)
Agua llovediza/Água de chuva
Está tan claro como el agua (SP)
Its as plain as day
Hacerse agua en la boca (SP)
To melt in one’s mouth
Hacérsele agua la boca (SP)
To make one’s mouth water
To be on the fence (SP)
Nadar entre dos aguas/Ficar no muro
Ahogarse en un vaso de agua (SP)
To get worked up over nothing
Estar en el aire (SP)
To be up in the air
Estar ajeno a (SP)
To be unaware of
Ahuecar el ala (SP)
To beat it/run away
Volar con las propias alas (SP)
To stand on one’s own two feet
Alcanzar el tiempo ((dinero) SP)
To have enough time (money)
Estar prendido con alfileres (SP)
To be shakily put together
No caber ni un alfiler (SP)
To be absolutely packed
Ser criado entre algodones (SP)
To be born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth
To thicken (v)
Lobbyist (n)
Hacer alharaca (SP)
To make a big fuss about something
Contener el aliento (SP)
To hold one’s breath
To live on (SP)
Alimentarse de
Tener el alma en un hilo (SP)
To sit on pins and needles
Consultarlo con la almohada (SP)
To sleep on it
Poner en un altar (SP)
To put on a pedestal
Estar a la altura de (SP)
To be up to (the challenge)
El más allà (SP)
The great beyond
Hacerse amigo de (SP)
To make friends with
Hacer las amistades (SP)
To make up
Volver a las andadas (SP)
To go back to one’s old ways
A largo andar (SP)
In the long run
A todo andar (SP)
At top speed
Llevar en andas (SP)
To carry on a stretcher
Venir como anillo al dedo (SP)
To fit perfectly (to a T)
Presencia de ánimo (SP)
Presence of mind
Estar ansioso por (de (SP))
To be anxious to
Antes bien (SP)
Por añadidura (SP)
In addition
Hacer añicos (SP)
To smash
Quitarse años (SP)
To lie about one’s age
Las apariencias engañan (SP)
Appearances are deceiving
Apostar a que (SP)
To bet (Yo apuesto a que no lo quiere)
Aprendiz de todo, oficial de nada (SP)
Jack of all trades, master of none
Verse apurado (SP)
To be hard put
Pasar apuros (SP)
To have a hard time
Sacar el apuro (SP)
To get out of a jam
Ser de armas tomar (SP)
To be a tough customer
Arreglárselas (para (SP))
To manage (to)
Codearse con los de arriba (SP)
To belong to the upper class
Estar hecho un asco (SP)
To be filthy
Así-así (SP)
Tener buenos asideros (SP)
To have good contacts/connections
A media asta (SP)
At half mast
Dejar en las astas del toro (SP)
To leave in the lurch
Echar por el atajo (SP)
To take the easiest way out
Atenerse a (SP)
To go by
Meterse en un atolladero (SP)
To get into a mess
Estar sobre aviso (SP)
To be on one’s guard
Quedarse en ayunas (SP)
To not catch on
Al azar (SP)
At random
Caérsele la baba por (SP)
To be wild about
Bailar con la más fea (SP)
To get the short end of the stick
Darse de baja (SP)
To drop out
Por lo bajo (SP)
under one’s breath
Con banderas desplegadas (SP)
With flying colors
En las barbas (SP)
Right to one’s face
Hacerle la barba (SP)
To butter up
Barrer hacia dentro (SP)
To look out for oneself
Tenderse a la bartola (SP)
To take it easy
Entre bastidores (SP)
Behind the scenes
Dormir como un bendito (SP)
To sleep like a baby
No hay bien ni mal que cien años dure (SP)
Nothing lasts forever
Tener bien a (SP)
To see fit to (Tuvo bien a ayudarnos)
Descargar la bilis (SP)
To vent one’s anger
Quedarse bizco (SP)
To be amazed
Quedarse en blanco (SP)
To draw a blank in one’s mind
Ser un blandengue (SP)
To be a weakling
Andar de boca en boca (SP)
To be generally known
Boca abajo (arriba (SP))
Face down (up)
Decir lo que se viene a la boca (SP)
To say whatever comes into one’s mind
Romper las bolas a alguien (SP)
To piss someone off
Meterse en el bolsillo (SP)
To wrap around one’s little finger
Se mete a las mujeres en el bolsillo
Rascarse el bolsillo (SP)
To cough up (money)
Dar bomba a algo (SP)
To give something a lot of hype
A brazo partido (SP)
In hand-to-hand combat
El brazo derecho (SP)
Right-hand man
No dar el brazo a torcer (SP)
To stick to one’s guns
De brocha gorda (SP)
Poorly done
Bromas aparte (SP)
All joking aside
Gastar bromas pesadas (SP)
To play practical jokes
Tomar a broma (SP)
To take lightly
Armar una bronca (SP)
To start a fight
Caer de bruces (SP)
To fall on one’s face
Bueno está (SP)
That will do
El bueno de (SP)
… good old…
Así es el bueno de Juan - That’s the way good old John is
Ir a paso de buey (SP)
To move at a snails pace
Por las buenas o por las malas (SP)
Whether one likes it or not
Escurrir el bulto (SP)
To slip away
Calentar la cabeza a alguien (SP)
To fill somebody’s head with something
De cabeza (SP)
Head first
Negar con la cabeza (SP)
To shake one’s head
Atar cabos (SP)
To put two and two together
A cada cual lo suyo (SP)
To each his own
Dar calabazas (SP)
To flunk (in school)
Ser de sal y canto (SP)
To be as solid as a rock
Criar callos (SP)
To develop a thick skin
Ir entrando el calor (SP)
To be warming up
En calzas prietas (SP)
In a tight spot (fix)
Ser mejor para callado (SP)
To be better left unsaid
Dar hasta la camisa (SP)
To give the shirt off of one’s back
Dejar sin camisa (SP)
To clean out (like clean someone out)
Quedarse tan campante (SP)
As cool as a cumcumber
A campo raso (SP)
Out in the open
Cantar (SP)
To spill the beans (obviously also sing)
Cara o cruz (SP)
Heads or tails
Dar la cara a (SP)
To face up to
Screenshot (n)
Capture de tela
Tener mala pinta (SP)
To look bad
Mantener informado (SP)
To keep informed
Mirarse a la cara (SP)
To look each other in the face
Poner cara de circunstancias (SP)
To put on a sad face
Tener cara de sueño (SP)
To look sleepy
Tener cara mala (SP)
To look mean
Cargar con (SP)
To carry off
Estar a cargo de (SP)
To be in charge of
Hacerse cargo de (SP)
To take charge of
Hacer la caridad de (SP)
To do the favor of
A la carrera (SP)
At full speed
Tomar cartas en el asunto (SP)
To intervene in a matter
Echar la casa por la ventana (SP)
To go overboard
Nunca volver a pisar la casa (SP)
Never to set foot in the house again
Antes que te cases , mira lo que haces
Look before you leap
El caso es
The fact is
En el peor de los casos (SP)
If worst comes to worst
En último caso (SP)
As a last resort
En uno u otro caso (SP)
One way or the other
Pasar de castaño oscuro (SP)
To be too much
Un castillo de naipes (SP)
A house of cards
De la casualidad de que (SP)
It so happens that
Morder el cebo (SP)
To take the bait
Arquear las cejas (SP)
To raise one’s eyebrows
A centenares (SP)
By the hundreds
Estar en su centro (SP)
To be right where one belongs
De cerca (SP)
At close range
Hablar como una chicharra (SP)
To talk nonstop
Estar chiflado por (alguien (SP))
To be crazy about somebody
No chistar (SP)
Not to say a word
Dar en el clavo (SP)
To hit the nail on the head
Empinar el codo (SP)
To bend an elbow
Todo saldrá en la colada (SP)
Everything will come out in the wash
Tener (mucho) colmillo (SP)
To have been around the block; to know a thing or two
Ser el colmo (SP)
To be the limit
Sin faltar una coma (SP)
Down to the last detail
Fuera de compás (SP)
To be offbeat (out of time (music))
Consciencia de culpa (SP)
Guilty conscience
Precipitarse en sus conclusiones (SP)
To jump to conclusions
A condición de que (SP)
On the condition that
Conejillo de indias (SP)
Guinea pig
Conforme a (SP)
In accordance with
Pagar al contado (SP)
To pay with cash
Cuento con usted (SP)
I’m counting on you
Arriba los corazones (SP)
Chin up
Estar hasta la coronilla (de (SP))
To be fed up (with)
Dejarse llevar por la corriente (SP)
To follow the crowd
Estar al corriente de (SP)
To be up-to-date on
A la corta o a la larga (SP)
Sooner or later
Como si tal cosa (SP)
As if nothing happened
Poner las cosas en su punto (SP)
To set things straight
Ser coser y cantar (SP)
To be child’s play
Hacerle cosquillas (SP)
To tickle someone
A costa de (SP)
At the expense of
A toda costa (SP)
At all costs
Estar hecho un costal de huesos (SP)
To be nothing but skin and bone
No crea (SP)
Don’t get the wrong idea
No tener un cuarto (SP)
Not to have a penny to one’s name
Metérselo con cuchara (SP)
To spoon-feed someone
Perder la cuenta (SP)
To lose count/track
Por su cuenta (SP)
On one’s own
Cuenta de viejas (SP)
Old wives’ tale
Bajo cuerda (SP)
Under the counter
Estar decidido a (SP)
To be determined to
A dos dedos de (SP)
Within an inch of; on the verge of
Tomar la delantera (SP)
To go ahead
Dentellada (n)
Romper a dentelladas (SP)
To chew up
Guardar la derecha (SP)
To keep to the right
Como el descuido (SP)
As if by accident
Deslizar algo a alguien (SP)
To slip something to someone
Deslizarse entre la mallas (SP)
To find a loophole
Estar al día (SP)
To be up-to-date
Poner al día (SP)
To bring up-to-date
El día menos pensado (SP)
When least expected
Un diamante en bruto (SP)
A diamond in the rough
Estar a dieta (SP)
To be on a diet
Al madruga dios le ayuda (SP)
The early bird gets the worm
No servir ni a dios ni al diablo (SP)
To be useless
Calle de dirección ùnica (SP)
One-way street
A disgusto (SP)
Against one’s will
Tener el don de mando (SP)
To be a born leader
En un dos por tres (SP)
In a flash (jiffy)
Entre dulce y amargo (SP)
Tirarse al dulce (SP)
To take advantage of the situation
Echares hacia atrás (SP)
To lean back
La edad del pavo (SP)
Teen age
Un elefante blanco (SP)
A white elephant
Estar es su elemento (SP)
To be in one’s element
Armar un escándalo (SP)
To make a scene
Por escrito (SP)
In writing
A eso de (SP)
at about
Darle la espalda (SP)
To turn one’s back on someone
De espaldas (SP)
On one’s back
Estar de espaldas (SP)
To have one’s back turned
Mandar a freír espárragos (SP)
To tell someone to go jump in a lake
Doblar el espinazo (SP)
To lack backbone/To just take it
Tirar la esponja (SP)
To throw in the towel
Crecer como la espuma (SP)
To grow; To prosper
Merecer un estatua (SP)
To deserve great honors
Ver las estrellas (SP)
To see stars
Quedar como estropajo (SP)
To be smashed/wasted
Ponerle en evidencia (SP)
To show someone up
Salir bien en un examen (SP)
To pass an exam
Pecar por exceso (SP)
To overdo something
Estar a la expectativa de (SP)
To be on the lookout for
A expensas de (SP)
At the expense of
Ir al extranjero (SP)
To travel abroad
Faltar poco (para (SP))
To be almost ready
Correr fama que (SP)
To be rumored that
Tener fama de (SP)
To have a reputation for
Ponerse feo (SP)
To get ugly
Ser una fiera para (SP)
To be a fiend for
Aguar la fiesta (SP)
To be a wet blanket
No estar para fiestas (SP)
To not be in a joking mood
En fila india (SP)
In single file
Ser un arma de dos filos (SP)
To be a double-edged sword
Al fin y al cabo (SP)
After all
A flor de labio (SP)
On the tip of one’s tongue
Decir flores (SP)
To flatter
En forma de (SP)
In the shape of
Frente a (SP)
Across from
Dar frente a (SP)
To face
Hacer frente a (SP)
To face up to
Acometer de frente (SP)
To grab the bull by the horns
Quedarse tan fresco (SP)
To stay cool; To be as cool as a cucumber
Frisar en (SP)
To get close to (Frisaba en los cuarenta años)
Estar frito (SP)
To have had it (Estamos fritos!)
A fuego vivo (SP)
Over a high flame
Estar entre dos fuegos (SP)
To be between a rock and a hard place
Hacer fuego (SP)
To open fire
Reventar de ganas de (SP)
To be dying to (Reventaba de ganas de reír)
A gatas (SP)
Crawling (on all fours) (Tuvimos que entrar a gatos)
Afirmar con el gesto (SP)
To nod in agreement
Hacer gestos (SP)
To make faces
Hacer la vista gorda (SP)
To pretend not to notice
Hacerse el gracioso (SP)
To play the fool
Arrojar el guante (SP)
To throw down the gaunlet
Dar guerra (SP)
To cause trouble
Darse el gusto (SP)
To treat oneself
Ser un hancha para (SP)
To be very talented at
Estar arto de (SP)
To be sick of; to be fed up with
Romper el hielo (SP)
To break the ice
Hincar el diente (SP)
To sink one’s teeth into something
Hacerse el hombre (SP)
To try to look tough
Encogerse de hombros (SP)
To shrug one’s shoulders