Phrases Flashcards
Only one in five survive
Solo uno de cada cinco sobrevive
I’m not used to using it
No estoy acostumbrado a utilizarlo
Her murderer was a killer and her death inevitable
Su asesino era un asesino y su muerte inevitable
Adventures, dangers, threats and challenges
Aventuras, peligros, amenazas y desafíos
There were and there have been other changes
Hubo y ha habido otros cambios
Put your shoes on
Ponte los zapatos
It started with a kiss
Empezó con un beso
Your guess is as good as mine
Tu adivinanza es igual al mío
I am surprised, amazed, astounded, and wowed
Estoy sorprendido, impresionado, atónito y pasmado
She included everyone except the exceptions
Ella incluyó a todos salvo los excepciones
He takes off his helmet before he takes off into space
Se quita el casco antes de que despega hacia espacio
The shells fall in a waterfall and land in the helmet
Las cascaras se caen en una cascada y aterrizan en el casco
I used to usually be unusual
Solía ser generalmente inusual
She was supposed to read the script
Se suponía que debía leer el guión
Do you know who i am?
Sabes quién soy