Phrases Flashcards
Good Morning
Good Afternoon
Good Evening
Good Night
Natёn e mirё
How do you feel?
Si ndiheni?
How did you pass the time?
Si ia kaloni?
Fine, thanks. And you?
Mirё, faleminderit. Po ju?
Not bad / So-so
Jo keq/ çka
How’s it going?
Si shkon?
What’s going on?
Çfarё po ndodh?
Not much
Jo shumё
The usual
Si zakonisht
What’s new?
Ç’të reja kemi?
How should I know?
Nga ta di unë?
You look tired
Dukesh i/e lodhur
I didn’t sleep last night
Nuk kam fjetur mbrёmё
Are you ok?
A je mirё?
I have a headache
Kam dhimbje koke
What is your name?
Si tё quajnё?/ Si e ke emrin?
My name is Baker
Emri im ёshtё Baker
I’m pleased to meet you
Gezohem qё ju njoha.
Me too
Edhe unё.
Excuse me
Mё falni.
What time is it?
Sa ёshtё ora?
Thank you.
You’re welcome
S’ka gjё./ Urdhëroni
Excuse me, do you have the time?
Mё falni. A keni orë?
Yes, it’s 2:05
Po. Ёshtё dy e pesё.
It’s nothin
S’ka gjё./ S’ka përse.
It’s 2:10
Ështё 2 e dhjetё.
It’s 2:15
Ështё 2 e pesёmbёdhjetё.
It’s quarter past 2
Ështё 2 e njё çerek
It’s 2:20
Ështё 2 e njёzet.
It’s 2:30
Ështё dy e tridhjetё.
It’s half past 2
Ështё dy e gjysmё.
It’s 2:45
Ështё dy e dyzet e pesё
It’s a quarter to 3
Ështё tre pa njё çerek
It’s 2:55
Ështё dy e pesёdhjetё e pesё
it’s 5 til 3
Ështё tre pa pesё
It’s a nice day
Ështё njё ditё e kёndshme
it certainly is
Sigurisht qё ёshtё.
What a beautiful day
Sa ditё e bukur!
Can you say that again
Mund ta thuash pёrseri
How do you like the weather?
Si e pёlqen motin?
I can’t believe it’s so warm now
Nuk mund ta besoj qё ёshtё kaq ngrohtё tani.
Where are you from?
Nga jeni?
I am from Albania
Jam nga Shqipёria.
Where in Albania do you live?
Nё çfarё pjese tё Shqiperisё jetoni?
My family lives in central Albania
Familja ime jeton nё Shqipёrinё qёndrore.
I have to go now
Duhet tё iki tani.
It was nice talking to you
Ishte kёndshёm tё flisja me ju
Maybe we can meet again sometime
Ndoshta mund tё takohemi pёrsёri
I would like that
Do tё mё pёlqente
Have a good day!
Paç njё ditё tё mirё!
You too
Edhe ti.
See you soon
Shihemi së shpejti.
See you tomorrow
Shihemi nesёr.
See you Monday
Shihemi tё hёnёn.
See you next week
Shihemi javën tjetёr.
Call me sometime
Mё merr nё telefon ndonjёherё.
Ok I will
Mirё, do tё tё marr.
May I give you my number?
A mund tё tё jap numrin tim?
Thank you here is mine
Faleminderit. Ja ku ёshtё imi.
May I ask you a question?
A mund tё tё bёj njё pyetja?
Do you know where ________ is?
A e dini ku është…?
It seems to me…/I think it might…
Më duket se…
How can I go there?
Si mund të shkoj atje?
Where is the bus station?
Ku ёshtё stacioni i autobusit?
It is over there.
Ështё atje.
Where is the post office?
Ku ёshtё zyra e postës?
You go down that street and take your first right.
Ecni drejt asaj rruge dhe merrni kthesёn e parё djathtas.
How do I get to City Hall?
Si mund tё shkoj nё Bashki?
Go down this street. Take your second left. It is the third building on the right.
Ecni drejt kёsaj rruge. Merrni kthesen e dytё majtas. Ështё ndёrtesa e tretё nё tё djathtё.
Excuse me, I don’t understand you.
Mё falni. Nuk ju kuptoj.
Could you repeat that?
A mund ta pёrsёrisni?
Repeat it, please.
Përsëriteni, ju lutem.
Be careful!
Please, say that again.
Ju lutem, thuajeni pёrsёri.
What did you say?
Çfarё thatё?
Please, speak slowly.
Ju lutem, flisni ngadalё.
Please use simple words.
Ju lutem, pёrdorni fjalё tё thjeshta.
What day is today?
Ç’dite është sot?
Today is Monday.
Sot është e hënë.
What date is today?
Sa është data sot?
When is your birthday?
Kur e keni ditëlindjen?
What’s wrong with you?
Çfarë ke?
I need something.
Kam nevojë për diçka
I need…
Më duhet …
Long life!
May he/she have a long life! (used when a baby is born)
Me jetë të gjatë!
Good luck!
Të priftë e mbara!/ Paç fat!
Have e nice trip!
Rrugë të mbarë!
Bon appetite!
Ju bëftë mirë!
May your hands be blessed! (used to praise whomever made an item, such as a meal’s cook)
Të lumshin duart!
Get well soon!
Të shkuara!