Phrases Flashcards
Cum grano sails
With a grain of salt
Carpe diem
Seize the day
Quid pro quo
Something for something
Cave Canem
Beware of the dog
N.B (Nota Bene)
Note well
e.g (exempli gratia)
For the sake of example
i.e (id est)
That is
etc. (et cetera)
And the rest
S.P.Q.R (Senatus Populusque Romanus)
The Senate and the Roman People
mea culpa
My fault
ad infinitum
Going on without end “to infinity”
ad nauseam
“To the point of sickness”
Sine qua non
without which not
E Pluribus Unum
One from Many, motto of the USA
tempus fugit
Time flies
semper fidelis
Always faithful, motto is US Marine Corps
semper paratus
Always prepared, motto of US Coast Guard
P.S (Post Scriptum)
After what has been written
A.D (Anno Domini)
In the year of our lord
ad hoc
For this, committee put together for a certain reason and usually for a limited time
ars gratia artis
“Art for the sake of art”
festina lente
make haste slowly, go about tasks/work quickly and careful
lapsus linguae
Slip of the tongue
lapsus memoriae
slip of the memory
lapsus calami
slip of the pen
a.m (ante meridiem)
Before midday (the morning)
p.m (post meridiem)
after midday (the afternoon)
et al. (at alii/alia)
“and other people/things”
Used in reference to a typical group
vs. (versus)
a.u.c (ab urbe condita)
From the founding of the city, Roman way of dating things
Ex cathedra
“From the chair” (with authority)
Ex officio
From the office
Ex tempore
“Out of time/out of the moment” (without preparation, on the spur of the moment)
Ex libris
“From the books of/from the library of”
Multos Marios in illô video
“I see many a Marius in him” (said of the young Caesar at the beginning of his political career)
Casaer’s wife must be above reproach
Said by Caesar of his second wife Pompeii after she allowed Clodius Pulcher into the Bona Dea festival
Alea iacta est
The die is cast
Hoc voluerunt
They wished this
Veni, Vidi, Vici
“I came, I saw, I conquered”
Et tu Brute
Even you Brutus, according to Shakespeare these were Caesar’s last words
Kai su tecknon
And you child, Greek phrase that Suetonius claims to be Caesar’s last words
ars longa, vita brevis
Art is long life is short
bona fide
In good faith
cui bono?
To whom for a good
suum cuique
to each his own
nunc est tempus bibendi
Now is the time to drink
degustibus non est disputandum
“About tastes it must not be disputed” (you can’t argue about personal opinions)
Panem et circenses
Bread and circus games, the concept that the control of Rome rest in appeasing the mob with supplying grain and entertainment
an ovo usque ad mala
From the egg all the way to apple (having a large variety of everything needed, we say from “soup to nuts”)
tabula rasa
A smoothed tablet (a clean slate)
rara avis
A rare bird (an extraordinary person or thing)