Phrases Flashcards
Yes, who is it?
Hai, donata desu ka
I am an American
Watashi wa America-Jin desu
This is not my phone
Kore wa keitai dewa arimasen
This is Dave’s briefcase
Kore wa David-San no kaban desu
Is this a newspaper?
Kore wa shimbun desu ka
What is this?
Kore wa nan desu ka?
Is this your umbrella?
Kore wa anata no kasa desu ka?
Whose book is this?
Kore wa dare no hon desu ka?
What is the bakery phone number?
Pan-ya no denwa-bango wa nan-ban desu ka?
No, it’s not my key
Ie, Watashi no dewa arimasen
Looking at the book
What time does the store open?
Deparo wa nanji Kara desu ka
What time does the store close
Deparo wa nanji made desu ka
Work is from 9:00 to 5:00
Shigoto wa kyu-ji Kara go-ji Meade desu
I see?/, is that so?
So desu ka
Can I see that please?
Sore o misete kudasai
How much is this?
Kore wa ikura desu ka
I’ll take that one
Sore o kudasai
Is it all right to use a credit card
Kado demo ii desu ka
Which one!
Dore desu ka
How much is that umbrella over there?
Ano kasa wa ikura desu ka
How much is that red t shirt?
Sono akai t shatsu wa ikura desu ka
Give me two of those
Sore o futatsu kudasai
Where is that computer from?
Kore wa doko no pasokon desu ka
Please give me 3 of this beer
Sono biru o mittsu kudasai
Mr grey is reading a report in the meeting room now
Gurei San wa ima kaigi-shitsu de repoto o yonde imasu
Gurei San はいまかいぎ-しつでれぽとおよんでいます
Mr grey plays tennis every Saturday
Gurei San wa maishu do-yobi ni tenisu o shite imasu
I live in yokohama
Watashi wa yokohama ni sunde imasu
Dave is employed at a bank
Dave San wa ginko ni Tsutomete imasu
At that store they sell tv’s
Ano mise de terebi o utte imasu
I know Elizabeth’s address
Watashi wa Elizabeth San no jusho o shitte imasu
Do you know?
Shitte imasu ka
Yes I know
Hai, shitte imasu
No. I don’t know
Iie, shirimasen
Is Dave here?
Dave-San wa imasu ka?
He is in the store on the third floor
Ima San-gai no mise ni imasu
She is explaining new products to Lars of moog.
Ima Moog no Lars-San ni atarashii shohin no setsumei o shite imasu
Elizabeth went to the bank (to look for chuck), but chuck was not there
Elizabeth-San wa ginko ni ikimashita ga, chuck-San wa imasendshita
Dave is reading a newspaper now
Dave San wa ima shimbun o yonde imasu
Have you already written the report aboit the meeting ?
Mo kaigi no repoto o kakimashita ka
Did you eat lunch already?
Mo chu-shoku o tabemashita ka
What is Dave doing now?
Dave San wa Ima nani o shite imasu ka?
Come right this way
Dozo kochira e
Please go ahead, feel free
Hai, dozo
How do you do?
Me grey will go to Kyoto tomorrow
Gurei San wa ashita Kyoto ni ikimasu
Last week I went to Hakone.
Watashi wa senshu Hakone ni ikimashita.
Dave has already gone home
Dave San wa mo uchi ni kaerimashita.
The meeting is at 3:00, right?
Kaigi wa sanji Kara desu ne.
Are you coming alone?
Hitori de kimasu ka
Elizabeth is going to the bank tomorrow
Elizabeth San wa ashita ginko ni ikimasu.
Dave went to hong king last week
Dave San wa senshu honkon ni ikimashita
I went with a friend to a restaurant yesterday
Watashi wa kino tomodachi to resutoran ni ikimashita
Elizabeth, where will you go tomorrow,
Elizabeth San wa ashita doko ni ikimasu ka
Chuck, when are you going to America?
Chuck San wa itsu amerika ni ikimasu ka
Excuse me. Does this bus go to shibuya?
Sumimasen. Kono basu wa shibuya ni ikimasu ka.
Which bus goes there?
Dono basu ga ikimasu ka
Did you come by car?
Kuruma de kimashita ka
We came by subway
Chikatetsu de kimashita
On Friday, Mr smith went with ms chan to nozomi department store by subway
Sumisu San wa kin yobi ni chan San to chikatetsu de nozomi depato ni ikimashita.
When is your birthday?
Tanjobi wa itsu desu ka
When is your trip ( from when until when)
Ryoko wa itsu Kara itsu made desu ka
About abc foods new chocolates…where do you sell them?
ABC Fuzu no atarashii chokoreto wa doko de utte imasu ka
Do you sell them in yokohama?
Yokohama de mo utte imasu ka
They sell concert tickets at convenience stores
Kombini de konsato no kippu o utte imasu
Grace, where do you live?
Grace San wa doko ni sunde imasu ka
Amy, do you know Mandy’s address?
Mandy San no jusho o shitte imasu ka
Where do they sell cheese cake?
Cheezu keki wa doko de utte imasu ka
What is your job?
O-Shigoto wa nan desu ka?
Please do not park here
Koko ni Kuruma o tomenaide kudasai
Dave, how about going to the grocery store tomorrow after work?
Dave San wa ashita Shigoto no ato de supa ni ikimasen ka
At what time should we leave home?
Nan-ji ni uchi o demasho ka
How long does it take to get from here to the yokohama train station?
Koko kara yokohama eki made donogurai kakarimasu ka
I’ll board the train at Tokyo station
Tokyo eki de densha ni norimasu
Chuck will get off the plane in Kyoto
Chuck San wa Kyoto de hikoki o orimasu
The subway leaves Yokohama at 9am and arrives in kannai at 9:06am
Chikatetsu wa ku-ji ni Yokohama o dete, ku-ji san pun ni Kannai ni tsukimasu
It takes and hour to go by train from Tokyo to Chiba
Tokyo Kara Chiba made densha de ichi jikan kakarimasu
Where are you going for summer break?
Natsu yasumi ni doko ni ikimasu ka
I’ll be there one week
Ichi shukan imasu
There is a sweets fair at the tokyo hotel tomorrow at 11.
Ashita ju ichi ji Kara Tokyo Hoteru de o-kashi no fea ga arimasu
Is it all right to take a picture of the book?
Hon no shashin o totte mo ii desu ka
Please write your name and address
O-namae to go-jusho o kaite kudasai
May I write in roman letters
Romaji de kaite mo ii desu ka
Please don’t put any ketchup in it
Sumimasen ga, kechappu o irenaide kudasai
No, please don’t let it bother you
Iie, dozo ki ni shinaide kudasai
Would (it) be good?
Ii deshoka
There is a restaurant on the third floor
Sankai ni resutoran ga arimasu
There is a woman at the reception desk
Uketsuke ni onna no hito ga imasu
The restaurant is on the first floor
Resutoran wa ikkai ni arimasu
On Saturday I am going to Tokyo with Dave
Do-yobi ni Dave San to Tokyo ni kimasu
What is there in kamakura
Kamakura ni nani ga arimasu Ka
There are large temples and shrines (among other things)
Okii o-Tera ya jinja ga arimasu
What is an onsen
Onsen tte nan desu Ka
There is a newspaper and some flowers on the table
Teberu no ue ni shim bun to Hana ga arimasu
Inside the briefcase there are keys and books and so on
Kaban no naka ni kagi ya hon ga arimasu
There is nothing on the chair
Isu no ue ni nani mo arimasen
There is no one in the room
Heya ni dare mo imasen
Who is in the parking lot?
Chushajo ni dare ga imasu Ka
What is inside the refrigerator?
Reizoko no naka ni nani ga arimasu Ka
Next to the inn is a buckwheat noodle shop
Ryokan no tonari ni soba-ya ga arimasu
In front of the inn is a small park
Ryokan no mae ni chisai koen ga arimasu
Dave likes beer
Dave San wa biru ga suki desu
Elizabeth understands German
Elizabeth San wa doitsu go ga wakarimasu
I want to go
Ikitai desu
I don’t want to go
Ikitakunai desu
I wanted to go
Ikitakatta desu
I didn’t want to go
Ikitakunakatta desu
Elizabeth, I play tennis with Amy every Wednesday.
Elizabeth San watashi wa Amy San to maishu suiyobi ni tenisu o shite imasu
I like tennis too
Watashi mo tenisu ga suki desu
Well, would you like to play tennis with us (Dave and I) this Sunday too
Ja, konshu no nichi-yobi ni Dave San mo issho ni tenisu o shimasen Ka
Ryan likes fruit
Ryan San wa kudamono ga suki desu
I do not like raw fish
Watashi wa sashimi ga suki dewa arimasen
Would you like to go (sometime in the future)
Kondo issho ni Ikimasen Ka
Chuck is very good at speaking German, because he lived in Germany
Chuck San wa doitsu ni sunde imashita Kara, doitsu-go ga totemo jozu desu
Shall I introduce you to him?
Shokaishimasho Ka
Don’t chew gum (it’s bad behavior)
Gumu wa dame desu yo
Is there a parking lot nearby?
Kono chikaku ni chushajo ga arimasuka?
Over there there is a convenience store, right? The parking lot is next to the convenience store.
Asoko ni kombini ga arimasu ne. Chushajo wa ano kombini no tonari desu
There are two bottles if beer on the table
Teberu no ue ni biru ga ni-hon arimasu
There are two men in front if the convenience store
Kombini no Mae ni otoko no hito ga futari imasu
The taxi stand is in the vicinity of the station
Takushi-noriba wa eki no chikaku ni arimasu
The post office is in that building over there
Yubunkyoku wa ano biru no naka desu
How many apples are in the table
Teberu no ue ni ringo ga ikutsu arimasu Ka
I take lessons in Japanese language at my apartment in Yokohama every Monday
Maishu getsu-yobi ni Yokohama no manshon de nihin-go o naratte imasu.
I would like to learn Japanese cuisine, too.
Watashi mo Nihon-ryori o naraitai desu
I want to go to a spa
Watashi wa onsen ni ikitai desu
What kind of place do you want to live in, in the future?
Shorai donna tokoro ni sumitai desu Ka
Did you go to Amy’s farewell party yesterday?
Kino Amy-San no sobetsukai ni ikimashita Ka
No, I wanted to go but I didn’t go because I had a headache.
Iie, ikitakatta desu ga, atama ga itakatta desu Kara, ikimasendeshita
It’s regrettable/I’m sorry for you
Zannen deshita ne
Don’t worry about it
Ki ni shinaide kudasai
Mr. Grey will see a movie
Gurei San wa eiga o mimasu
Dave will meet chuck
Dave San wa chuck San ni aimasu
Dave San わ chuck San にあいます
I wrote a letter to the embassy
Watashi wa taishikan ni tegami o kakimashita
I’m going to eat tempura in Gunza with Elizabeth on Sunday
Nichi-yobi ni Ginza de Elizabeth San to tempura o tabemasu
にちよびにぎんざでElizabeth San とてmぷらおたべます
mr Suzuki will drink beer at a hotel bar
Suzuki San wa hoteru no ba de biru o nomimasu
Suzuki San私ホテルのバビルをのみます
Where are you eating dinner?
Doko de yu-shoku o tabemasuka
Id like to make a reservation
Yoyaku o onegaishimasu
(When making a reservation)
Sunday at 7:00,please. For two people.
Nichi-yobi no nana-ji ni onegaishimasu. Futari desu.
Do you come to this restaurant often, chuck?
Chuck-San wa yoku kono mise (resutoran) ni kimasu Ka?
Chucksan 私よくこの店に来か
Yes I come sometimes. Because it’s so delicious.
Ee, tokidoki kimasu. Oishii desu Kara.
What’s this fish?
Kono sakana wa nan desu Ka
Joshua doesn’t watch television very much.
Joshuasan wa amari terebi o mimasen
Joshua San 私あまりテレビおみませn
Dave, who did you send an email to?
Dave San wa dare ni meru o okurimasu Ka.
Dave San 私だれにめるおおくります
I am meeting Elizabeth on Monday at 4 o clock at the Yokohama station.
Watashi wa getsu-yobi no yon-ji ni Yokohama Eki de Elizabeth San ni aimasu.
Someone asks if you go to the park often. You say yes and give the reason it is in the vicinity of your house. How do you say that?
Hai. Uchi no chikaku ni koen ga arimasu Kara.
はい。うちの近くに こえn がありますから
See you later
Mata ato de
Next time
Mata kondo
One more time, please
Mo Ichido onegaishimasu
Cherry blossoms are pretty flowers
Sakura wa kireina Hana desu
Elizabeth’s house is big
Elizabeth San no uchi wa okii desu
Elizabeth San のうちわおきいです
Cameel gave heather a watch
Cameel San wa heather San ni tokei o agemashita
Cameel San わheather San にとけいおあげました
Heather received a watch from cameel
Heather San わcameel San にとけいおもらいました
Heather San wa cameel San ni tokei o moraimashita
How about some sweets?
O-kashi wa ikaga desu Ka
These are pretty sweets
Kireina o-kashi desu ne
This book is interesting
Kore wa omoshiroi hon desu
This subway is convenient to Tokyo
Tokyo no chikatetsu wa benri desu
Chuck had a meal at a famous restaurant last week
Chuck san wa senshu yumeina resutoran de shokuji o shimashita
Is japanese difficult?
No, its not difficult
Nihon-go wa muzukashii desu ka
Iie, muzukashikunai desu.
Are you free tomorrow evening
Ashita no gogo hima desu ka
No I’m not free I’m busy
Iie, hima dewa arimasen. Isogashii desu.
Excuse me is a subway station far from here
Sumimasen. Chikatetsu no eki wa koko kara toi desu ka
No it’s not far it’s about a five minute walk
Iie, tokunai desu. Aruite go-fun gurai desu yo
Im sorry to have to tell you this
Moshiwake gozaimasen
I received it from my friend Elizabeth for my birthday.
Tanjobi ni tomodachi no Elizabeth San ni moraimashita
It’s my favorite color
Watashi no sukina iro desu
who did Dave give the movie ticket to?
Dave San wa dare ni eiga no kippu o agemashita ka
Dave San わ誰に映画のきっぷおあげましたか
Who did chuck get the movie ticket from?
Chuck San wa dare ni eiga no kippu o moraimashita ka
Chuck San わだれにえいあがのきっぷおもらいましたか
What did Dave give heather?
Dave San わheather San ni nani o agemashita ka
Dave San わ heather San に何 おあげましたか
I gave Brenda a pretty dish for Christmas
Watashi wa kurisumasu ni Brenda San ni kareina sara o agemashita
私わクリスマスにBrenda sanにかれいなさらおあげました
When did Dave give heather a flower
Dave San wa itsu heather San ni Hana o agemashita ka
Dave San わいつheather Sanにはなおあげましたか
What did Ryan receive for his birthday from Josh
Ryan San wa tanjobi ni Josh San ni nani o moraimashita ka
Ryan San わたん女日にJosh San に何おもらいましたか
That’s a pretty blouse, isn’t it
Kireina burausu desu ne
I should be leaving soon. Thankmyou for inviting me today.
Ja, sorosoro shitsureishimasu. Kyo wa domo arigato gozaimashita
Please come in
Good morning
Ohayo gozaimasu
May I come in?
Thank you for yesterday, it was a lot of fun.
Kino wa domo arigato gozaimasu. Totemo tanoshikatta desu.
We had a lot of fun, also.
Watashitachi mo tanoshikatta desu.
It was cold yesterday.
Kino wa samukatta desu.
Yesterday’s festival was lively.
Kino no o-matsuri wa nigiyaka deshita.
How was the party yesterday?
Kino no pati wa do deshita ka
Yesterday’s party was not fun
Kino no pati wa amari tanoshikunakatta desu.
Let me see
I don’t know
Sa, wakarimasen
What do you say to going to Tokyo together?
Yes, let’s go
Issho ni Tokyo ni ikimasen ka
Hai, ikimasho
I’m sorry, but it wouldn’t be convenient for me
Zannen desu ga, tsugo ga warui desu.
Where should we meet?
Doko de aimasho ka
Shall I carry your luggage?
Nimotsu o mochimasho ka
Elizabeth, there is a festival in kamakura this Saturday. Won’t you go with me?
Elizabeth San, konshu no do-yobi ni Tokyo de o-matsuri ga arimasu. Issho ni ikimasen ka.
Elizabeth San, 今週のど-よびにときょでお-まつりがあります。いっしょにいきませんか。
That would be nice. Let’s go. How should we go?
Ii desu ne. Ikimasho. Nan de ikimasho ka.
Would you like to go by subway?
Chikatetsu de ikimasen ka.
Let’s do that.
So shimasho.
How about 10:00? (Responding to nan-ji ni aimasho ka)
Ju-ji wa do desu ka.
Would you like to see a movie with me over the weekend?
Shumatsu ni Issho ni eiga o mimasen ka
There’s a restaurant on the second floor, so won’t you have a meal with me there?
Ni-kai ni resutoran ga arimasu Kara, resutoran de shokuji o shimasen ka.
There is amy over there
Asoko ni Amy San ga imasu yo
あそこにAmy San がうますよ
You’re right
Honto desu ne
Would you like to buy tickets with us?
Mo issho ni kippu o kaimasen ka
I don’t have a card
Kado ga arimasen
I can lend you mine
Watashi no o kashimasho ka
Shall I draw a map?
Chizu o kakimasho ka
I have an umbrella
Watashi wa kasa ga arimasu
Won’t you go with me to Tokyo, because I have a car
Kuruma ga arimasu Kara, issho ni tokyo ni ikimasen ka
I have two movie tickets, Elizabeth. Do you want to go with me this evening
Eiga no kippu ga ni-mai arimasu. Elizabeth San komban issho ni ikimasen ka.
えいがのきっぷがにまいあります。Elizabeth San こmばにっしょにいきませんか
This evening I don’t have time.
Komban jikan ga arimasen.
I’m feeling a bit out of sorts
Chotto kibun ga warui n desu
Would you like to see a movie together tomorrow?
Ashita issho ni eiga o mimasen ka
Do you have a moment?
Chotto yoroshii desu ka
There’s a sales meeting in Hokkaido tomorrow, so I’m going to Sapporo
Ashita Hokkaido de hambai-kaigi ga arimasu Kara, Sapporo ni ikimasu
After the meeting, I’ll go to the YCAC pool and meet Amy.
Kaigi no ato de YCAC no puru ni itte, Amy-San ni aimasu.
The day after tomorrow, I’ll see the chocolate shop in Hiroshima and fly back to Tokyo on a 1:00 pm flight.
Assatte Hiroshima no chokoretto mise o mite, ichi- ji no hikoki de Tokyo ni kaerimasu.
I went to a bookstore yesterday and bought a dictionary.
Watashi wa kino hon-ya ni itte, jisho o kaimashita.
Dave went home by taxi after yesterday’s party.
Dave San wa kino pati no ato de takushi de uchi ni kaerimashita.
Dave San わきのぱいのあとでたくしでうちにかえりました。
I bought a cake at the department store and went to my friends house.
Depato de keki o katte, tomodachi no uchi ni ikimashita.
What did you do yesterday after work?
Kino shigoto no ato de nani o shimashita ka?
Where are you going after the movie?
Eiga no ato de doko ni ikimasu ka
I’m sorry to bother you, but could you please send me the new dish catalog by email right away.
Sumimasen ga, meru de atarashii Sara no katarogu o sugu okutte kudasai.
Please turn right at the next signal.
Tsugi no shingo o migi ni magatte kudasai.
Please turn left at the second corner
Futatsu-me no kado o hidari ni magatte kudasai
Please deliver this tv to my apartment.
Manshon ni kono terebi o todokete kudasai.
Pleased to meet you
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu
How long did you stay in America
Elizabeth San wa donogurai amerika ni imashita ka
Elizabeth San わどのぐらいあめりかにいましたか
I would like to buy…
About like this
I will take that one
Sore ni shimasu
Might it be?
Desho ka
Oh, good!
AA yokatta
Next week we have summer vacation, are you going anywhere?
Raishu kara natsu yasumi desu ne, doko ka ikimasu ka
No, this year I’m not going anywhere
Iie, kotoshi wa dokomo ikimasen
Are you buying any souvenirs to take back
Nani ka omiyage o kaimasu ka
What would be good?
Nani ga ii desho ka
When should we have the party?
Pati wa itsu ga ii desho ka
I will buy some souvenirs
Nani ka omiyage o kaimasu
Wine is more expensive than beer
Wain no hoga biru yori takai desu
Which is more expensive, wine or beer?
Wain to biru to dochira ga takai desu ka?
Soccer is the most popular of all sports
Supotsu no naka de sakka ga ichiban ninki ga arimasu
I’ll try on these shoes
Kutsu o hakitemimasu
Shouldn’t we buy some souvenirs for Elizabeth?
Elizabeth San ni nani ka omiyage o kaimasen ka
Which would be a better souvenir, cookies or chocolates?
Omiyage wa kukki to chokoretto to dochira ga ii desho ka.
What sport do you like best?
Sakka ga ichiban suki desu
Which sport do you like the best among soccer, tennis or golf?
Sakka to tenisu to gorufu no naka de dore ga ichiban suki desu ka
Which would be a better souvenir, cookies or chocolates?
Omiyage wa kukki to chocoretto to dochira ga ii desho ka
Did you go anywhere over the weekend
Shumatsu wa doko ka ikimashita ka
On weekends it’s crowded everywhere
Shumatsu wa dokomo kondeimasu Kara
Would you like something to drink
Nani ka nomimasen ka
The beverages we have are wine, beer and cola.
Nomimono wa wain to biru to kora ga arimasu.
I’d like wine.
Wain ga ii desu.
Which wine would you prefer, red or white?
Wain wa aka to shiro to dochira ga ii desu ka
Do you have a bigger one?
Ano, motto okii wa arimasen ka
I’d like to watch a movie, but what would be a good one?
Eiga o mitai n desu ka, nani ga ii desho ka
Yukata are cheaper than kimono
Yukata wa kimono yori yasui desu.
Hotel A is the most famous in Tokyo
A Hoteru wa Tokyo de ichiban yumei desu
Which one of the desserts will you have?
Dezzato wa dore ni shimasu ka
I’ll have the ice cream
Aisukurema ni shimasu
The fitting room is over there
Shichakushitsu wa achira desu
Will you paying in cash or with a credit card
Oshiharai wa genkin desu ka, kurejit to kado desu ka
excuse me but about 30 minutes ago I left a paper bag at your store
Sumimasen, sanjuppun gurai mae ni sochira ni kamibukuro o wasuremashita
It’s a large, white paper bag.
Shiro kute ookii kami bukuro
I’ll come and get it right away.
ima kara tori ni ikimasu
The subways are convenient and cheap
chikatetu wa benride yasui desu
This cake is delicious but expensive
kono keki wa oishii desu ga takai desu
I am drinking water
Mizu o nondeimasu
I am wearing a coat
Koto o kiteimasu
I am carrying an umbrella and a newspaper
kasa to shinbun o motteimasu
Wine is in the glass
Gurasu ni wain ga haittemasu
A flower is attached to the bag
Baggu ni hana ga tsuiteimasu
I am going to eat lunch
Haru gohan o tabeni ikimasu
I left a black leather coat in a cab
Takushi ni kuroi kawa no koto o wasuremashita.
Good luck, take it easy