Phrases Flashcards
sou desu ne
That’s right. / Let me see.
doo desu ka
どう です か
How about…..?
How is …..?
kore, onegaishimasu
Can you take care of this please?
gojuu en kitte o sanmai kudasai
Give me three 50-yen stamps, please.
(Watashi wa) kodomo no toki,
Koukou no toki,
Daigaku no toki,
When I was a kid,
When I was in high school,
When I was in college,
Kore wa ikura desu kaSore wa ikura desu kaAre wa ikura desu ka
How much is this?How much is that?How much is that over there?
Dore desu ka
Which one is it?
Kore wa DARE NO kaban desu ka
Whose bag is this?
Tanaka-san MO nihonjin desu。
Tanaka is Japanese too.
Yamada-san wa gakusei JA NAI desu
Yamada IS NOT a student.
Are mo takai desu ne
That one is too expensive.
Wakarimashita ka
Do you understand?
I understand. / I understood.
I don’t understand. / I don’t know.
nanji desu ka
What time is it?
nansai desu ka
How old are you?
nannensei desu ka
What year (in school) are you?
denwa bangoo was nan desu ka
What is your telephone number?