PHRASES(2) Flashcards
you will get nowhere
no irá a ningun parte
to have the good sense to do…….
tener el acierto de hacer…….
I’ve had a bad day
Tuve un dia de perros
we got held up
nos atrasamos
going back in time
regresar al pasado
Play it smart
tenga inteligente
I don’t like it at all
no me gusta para nada
After a lot of thought
Tras mucho pensarlo
The disorder is not fatal
El trasorno no es fatal
As often as you want/wish
Cuantas veces uno quiera
She kept me talking
Me entretuvo hablando
We are going to check in our luggage
vamos a facturar nuestra equipaje
nobody paid any attention
nadie me prestaba atención
I am saying goodbye
me despido
the bread is stale
se puso rancio el pan
It’s a sticky day today
hoy hace un calor pegajoso
It’s a very bad line (telephone)
Se escucha muy mal.
They are very bratty.
Son muy mocosos.
he had to hold on to the handrail
tuvo que sujetarse a la barandilla
it is fixed o attached or secured to the wall
se sujeta a la pared
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
El que no arriesga no gana.
I hope I haven’t said anything wrong
Espero no haber dicho nada malo
to destroy, demolish, collapse
to become a member
darse de alta
I am otherwise engaged/busy
Tengo otro compromiso
under the circumstances
dadas las circunstancias
It’s about John
Se trata de Juan
Because it deals with……
Por traterse de….
It is two metres thick
Tiene dos metros de espesor
I don’t deal with him
Ya no lo trato
What is it about?
What is it about?de que se trata?
I don’t want anything to do with it
No quiero nada que ver con eso
Now I get it!
Ya caigo!
No caigo
I don’t get it.
I am fed up
Estoy hasta las narices
As if nothing had happened
tan campante
How annoying!
Que fastidio!
I am disappointed
Estoy decepcionado
It’s a wise move
Es un acierto
He is annoying
Es molesto
He is annoyed
Esta molesto
I sympathise with them
Me solidarizo con ellos
It is on my way
Me pilla de camino
It is out of the way for me
Me pilla lejos
All’s well that ends well
Bien esta lo que bien acaba
He is very sensible
Es muy sensato
She is very sensitive
Ella es muy sensible
How are you, buddy?
Como andas compa?
Has it been useful?
Ha sido util?