Phrases Flashcards
ad hoc
for this purpose
Ab ovo usque ad mala
from the egg to the apple
caveat emptor
let the buyer beware
de gustibus non est disputandum
there is no accounting for tastes
de mortuis nil nisi bonum
speak only good of the dead
ex tempore
on the spur of the moment
in medias res
in the middle of things
ipso facto
by the very fact itself
ne plus ultra
pax vobiscum
peace be with you
per se
prima facie
at first sight
post proelium, praemium
after the battle, the reward
pro bono public
for the public welfare
sic transit gloria mundi
thus passes the glory of the world
sine die
sine qua non
let it stand
tempus fugit
time flies
vigilantia pretium libertatis
vigilance is the price of liberty
viva voce