Phrases Flashcards
Cuál es tu profesión?
What is your profession?
De que trabajas?
What do you do for work?
A qué te dedicas?
What do you do for a living?
Ir de compras
To go shopping for clothes etc
Hacer la compra
To go shopping for groceries
Pagar en efectivo
To pay by cash
Pagar con tarjeta
To pay by card
Sacar dinero
To withdraw money
Cuánto cuesta este libro de aquí?
How much is this book here?
Cuánto cuestan esos zapatos de ahí?
How much are those shoes over there?
Cuánto cuesta aquello de allá?
How much does that thing over there cost?
Cuánto vale? / cuál es el precio? / qué precio tiene?
How much does it cost?
Hola buenas, en qué te puedo ayudar?
Hi, what can I help you with?
Te puedo ayudar en algo?
Can I help you with something?
Hay / tenéis…?
Do you have…?
Qué talla necesitas?
What size do you need?
I would like
Los zapatos me quedan muy bien.
The shoes look so good on me.
Vale, pues me los llevo
Okay, so I will take them
Tengo el pelo largo
I have long hair
Estás de acuerdo?
Do you agree?
Cuál es tu estado civil?
What is your marital status?
Tienes pareja?
Are you in a relationship?
Tengo tantas amigas como tú
I have as many friends as you
Canto tan bien como tú
I sing as well as you
Soy igual de alto que mi hermano
I am as tall as my brother
Casi siempre
Most of the time / almost always
Así que
Bastante / bastantes
Quite a lot / quite a bit
Qué te pongo?
What can I get for you?
Ponme un café con leche, por favor
Bring me a coffee with milk, please
Me pones un café solo?
Can you bring me an espresso?
Me cobras, por favor?
Literally: can you please charge me? (To ask for the bill)
Qué te debo?
What do I owe you?
Para comer o llevar?
To eat in or take away?
Tenéis mesa para dos?
Do you have a table for two?
Ya estás?
Are you ready?
Te tomo nota?
Can I take your order?
Para compartir
To share
Una caña de cerveza
A glass of beer
Dame un consejo
Give me some advice
Encima de / sobre
On top of
Debajo de / bajo
Dentro de
Fuera de
Al lado de / junto a
Next to
Detrás de
Delante de / enfrente de / frente a
In front of
A la derecha de
To the right of
A la izquierda de
To the left of
Entre / en medio de
Between / in the middle of
En la esquina
In the corner
Está de moda
It’s fashionable
Está a cinco minutos andando
It’s a five minute walk away
Por aquí cerca
Close to here
Perdona, este autobús va a malaga?
Excuse me, is this bus going to Malaga?
Hoy no he hecho nada
Today I haven’t done anything
Qué has hecho hoy?
What have you done today?
Qué has dicho?
What did you say?
To sew