Phrases Flashcards
Deliver on
To do what you promised or agreed to do
Deliver over/up
To give sth/smone to a person in authority.
Delve into
To examine something carefully in order to discover more info abt smone/sth
Depart from
To be different from the usual or expected way of doing or thinking abt something.
Depend on/upon
- To need the help or support of something or someone in order to survive or continue as before.
- If sth depends on a particular situation, condition or person,it is influenced by them or cannot change without them.
Deprive of
To take sth imp away from someone or sth
Derive from
To come from sth
Descend from
To have developed from sth which existed in past
Descend into
If a situation descends into a particular state,it becomes worse.
Descend on/upon
- If a grp of people descends on a place or person, they arrive, especially without warning or without being invited.
- If a feeling, especially a bad feeling, descends on a grp of people, they begin to feel it
Descend to
To behave badly in a way that other people would not expect you to
Despair of
To feel that there is no hope that a situation will improve or that someone will do what they should.
Detract from
To make sth seem less good than it really is or than it was thought to be.
Devolve on/upon
- If property or money devolves on someone,they receive it when the person who owns it dies.
- To give power or the responsibility for something to a person or organisation at a lower level.
Devolve to
To give power or the responsibility for something to a person or organisation at a lower level
Devote to
- To use all of sth for eg your life or your time, for a particular purpose.
- To spend all your time or energy doing sth that you think is imp.
Dial into
To connect one computer to another by using a modem
Dial out
To use a telephone in order to call someone in another building.
Hone in on sth
To find and go directly toward (someone or sth)
Knock out sb
1.To make someone become unconscious or to make someone fall asleep
2. In a boxing match,the act of hitting the other fighter so that they fall to the ground &are unable to get up again within 10 sec.
Abide by
To accept or obey an agreement,rule, or decision
Abound in/with
To contain a lot of sth
Accede to
- To agree to sth that someone has asked for (eg. Request, demand), often after disagreeing with it.
- If someone accedes to the throne or to the power, they become king or queen, they take a position of power.
Accord with
To be the same as sth or to agree with sth.
Account for
- To explain the reason for sth or the cause of sth.
- To form a particular amt of sth