Phrases Flashcards
There is always tomorrow
He rā anō āpōpō
There, in front of your nose
Arā, kei mua i tō ihu!
I can’t hide my excitement
Kāore e taea tōku āritarita te kurupena iho!
Some say that love makes the world go round
E kī ana ētahi, mā te aroha e huri ai te ao
There are plenty of beautiful places in NZ
He nui ngā wāhi ātaahua i Aotearoa
Ten minutes past five
Tekau meneti i te rima karaka
Quarter past five
Hauwhā i te rima karaka
Half past five
Haurua i te rima karaka
Twenty minutes to six
Rua tekau meneti ki te ono karaka
Quarter to six
Hauwhā ki te ono karaka
Todays a new day
He rā hou āpōpō
He rā pai/wera/makariri
No sleeping in!
Kāti te moeroa!
Kāti te whakaroaroa/amuamu
Go and have a wash
Haere ki te horoi
Haere ki te uwhiuhi/kai
Fix your hair
Whakapaipaihia ō makawe
Quickly or else you will be late!
Kia tere kei tōmuri koe!
Kia kamama/horo