Phrases Flashcards
Things are getting better
Things are looking up
سوف ينجح الامر
It will work out
لا داعي للقلق
There is no need to worry
To go to bed
To hit the sack
Ex: it’s time for me to hit the sack, I’m so tired
يدخل في صلب الموضوع
To ask what the main point is
Cut to the chase
يطعن في الظهر
Stab someone in the back
Ex: did you hear that Sarah stabbed Kate in the back last week?
لم اسمع عن هذا من قبل
حاسة روحي فايتة عليا هاذي الحاجة ولا سامعة بيها
That doesn’t ring a bell
Ring a bell
انا مفلس
I’m broke
To end a relationship with someone
Dumping someone
Ex: I dumped him
لا تكلف نفسك فوق طاقتها
Don’t bite off more than you can chew
متفرغش غشك فيا
Don’t vent your anger on me
بحثا عن
In search of
الدخول إلى المكتبة مجاني
Access to the library is free
بركا ما تشكي
Stop griping
Calm downاهدأ
Get a hold of yourself
Phrase :in every way
Idiom/adjective :used to say that a person has many different types of skills and abilities
It’s been a good day all round.
Cuts in pollution could benefit our community all round.
She’s a fantastic all-round sportswoman.
شفتاي متشققة
I have chapped lips
انت فريد من نوعك
You’re one of a kind
حلقي يبدو مبحوح
My throat feels hoarse
I am so sad
I feel blue
You make me laugh
You crack me up
Give it a try
Give it a shot
Hurry up
Shake a leg
رجلي نملت
I have got pins and needles in my legs
Ki t9ra ktab w tab9a ghir tkhamm fih w mat9drch ta9ra ktab b3do
Book hangover
pick a book that gave you a book hangover
I pretty much have a book hangover after every series that I read and I don’t
على حسب علمي
As far as I know
تخبطت فيا
She bumped into me
you start to sleep, especially during the day (phrasal verb)
To doze off 🥱🥱
to have a defensive or guarded attitude or demeanor. It is a figurative expression that suggests being emotionally closed off or protective, not allowing others to easily get close to you or know your true feelings. (Idiom)
I have my walls up
On the sly
A topic that makes someone upset or angry because it is difficult or unpleasant for them.( Idiom)
A sore subject/topic
A scary figure in stories used to frighten children
❝ Mothers sometimes tell their kids that the bogeyman will come if they don’t go to sleep.
❝ the bogeyman will get you
❝ fear of the bogeyman
A person who tries to arrange romantic relationships or marriages between people
refers to the act of repeatedly striking or hitting a door with force,
Pounding on the door
refers to the act of formally leaving or discontinuing one’s enrollment and participation in an educational institution, such as a school or college, before completing a specific course or program.
Withdraw from school