Phrased Conjugation Flashcards
They speak quickly
Falar - to speak (AR Verb)
eles falam depressa
I spend a lot
Gastar - to spend (resources) (AR Verb)
Eu gasto muito
She enters the house
Entrar - to enter (AR verb)
Ela entra em casa
When do you (form.) come back?
Voltar - to return. To go back (AR verb)
Quando é que volta?
You (inf) always win
Ganhar - to win, to gain (AR verb)
(Tu) ganhas sempre
We work hard
Trablhar - to work (AR verb)
Trablhamos arduamente
I tried to avoid the rain
Tentar - to try, attempt (AR verb)
Tentei evitar a chuva
You (inf) left the trash
Deixar - to leave, to let (AR verb)
Deixaste o lixou
He looked at her
Olhar - to look, watch (AR verb)
Ele olhou para ela
You (form) didn’t stop imagining
Parar - to stop (AR verb)
Não parou de imaginar
We waited for him
Esperar - to wait (AR verb)
Esperámos por ele
They showed us the garden
Mostrar - to show (AR verb)
Mostraram-nos o jardim
You (pl) studied all week
Estudar - to study (AR verb)
(Vocês) estudaram toda a semana
(In the past) I swam every day [PI]
Nadar - to swim (AR verb)
(Antigamente), nadava todos os dias
(When you were young) you believed in god [PI]
Acreditar - to believe (AR verb)
(Quando eras jovem) acreditavas em Deus
He really liked his professor [PI]
Gostar - to like (AR verb)
Ele gostava muito do seu professor
we used to wake up early [PI]
Acordar - to wake up (AR verb)
Acordávamos cedo
(In the past) they needed less [PI]
Precisar - to need (AR verb)
(No passoda)precisavam de menos
I’ve been teaching a lot [PPC]
Ensinar - to teach (AR verb)
Tenho ensinado muito
We have been thinking about it [PPC]
Pensar - to think (AR verb)
Temos pensado nisso
The children had cried [PmqPC]
Chorar - to cry (AR verb)
As crianças tinham chorado
He had been helping [PmqPC]
Ajudar - to help (AR verb)
Ele tinham ajudado
I always drink wine
Beber - to drink (ER verb)
Bebo sempre vinho
You (fam.) write beautifully
Escrever - to write (ER verb)
Escreves muito bem
She depends on him
Depender - to depend (ER verb)
Ela depende dele
We don’t learn quickly
Aprender - to learn (ER verb)
Não aprendemos depressa
They never eat seafood
Comer - to eat (Er verb)
Nunca comem marisco
You (form. Plural) receive gifts
Receber - receive, get, welcome (Er verb)
Vocês recebem presentes
You must not jump
Dever - must, aught to (ER verb)
Näo deves saltar
I sold my car
Vender - to sell (ER verb)
Vendi o meu carro
You (fam.) forgot your keys
Esquecer-se - to forget (CER verb)
Esqueceste-se das suas chaves
He chose Tuesday
Escolher - to choose (ER verb)
Ele escholheu terca-feira
We developed a plan
Desenvolver - to develop (ER verb)
Desenvolvemos um plano
They seemed sad
Parecer - to seem (CER Verb)
Pareceram tristes
(In the past) I ran every day [PI]
Correr - to run (ER verb)
(Antigamente), corria todos os dias
(When you were young) you lived happily [PI]
Viver - to live (ER verb)
(Quando eras jovem) vivias feliz
He grew up in a village [PI]
Crescer - to grow (ER verb)
Crescia numa aldeia
[imperfeito] We disappeared at lunch [PI]
Desaperecer - to disappear (ER Verb)
Desaperecíamos ao almoço
(In the past) they showed up every week [PI]
Aperecer - to appear, to show up (CER verb)
Apereciam todas as semanas
I open the door
Abrir - to open (IR verb)
Abro a porta
You (fam.) sleep lightly
Dormir - to sleep (IR Verb)
Dormes levemente
He prefers to wait
Preferir - to prefer (IR verb)
Ele prefere esperar
We ask for help
Pedir - to ask (for something) (IR verb)
Pedimos ajudar
They demand to be heard
Exegir - to demand, to require (IR verb)
Exigem ser ouvidos
I argued with him
Discutir - to argue, to discuss (IR verb)
Discuti com ele
You (fam.) repeated their mistakes
Repetir - to repeat (IR verb)
Repetiste os seus erros
She felt tired
Sentir-se - to feel, to sense (IR verb)
Ela sentiu-se cansado
We achieved everything
Conseguir - get, achieve, can - to be able to (IR verb)
Consiguimos tudo
They heard birds
Ouvir - to hear, to listen (IR verb)
Ouviram pássaros
(In the past) I discovered new things [PI]
Descobrir - to discover, to find out (IR verb)
(Antigamente), descrubria coisas novas
(When you were young) you existed alone [PI]
Existir - to exist (IR verb)
(Quando eras jovem) existias sozinho
The plane left [PI]
Partir - to leave, to depart, to break (IR verb)
O avião partia
We were permited to watch [PI]
Permitir - to allow, to enable (IR verb)
Permitiamos ver
(In the past) they defined good taste [PI]
Definir - to define (IR verb)
(No passoda) defiiniam bom gosto
I am tired
Estou cansado
Are you (fam.) angry?
Estás com raiva?
She is correct
Ela está correta
We are happy
Estamos felizes
They are wrong
Eles estão errados
I was in Porto yesterday
Estive ontem no Porto
Have you (fam.) ever been to Rio?
Já estiveste no Rio?
She was at her boyfriend’s house today [PPS]
Ela esteve na casa do namorado hoje
We were on the plane [PPS]
estivemos no avioã
They were in Japan last fall
Eles estiveram no Japão no outono passado
They were there
eles estiveram lá
I was very cold [PI]
Eu estava com muito frio
You (fam.) were noisy [PI]
Estavas barulhento
Were you (form.) at work? [PI]
Estava no trablaho?
We were proud [PI]
Estávamos orgulhosos
They were always available [PI]
Eles estavam sempre disponíveis
I am old
Sou velho
Are you (fam.) American?
És Americano?
He is funny
Ele é engraçado
It is unknown
É Desconhecido
We are poor
Somos pobres
I was hit by a car
Fui atingido por um carro
They are scary
Eles são assustadores
You (fam.) were interesting [PPS]
Tu foste interessante
The performance was good [PPS]
O desempenho foi bom
We were good friends [PPS]
Nós fomos bons amigos
They have never been robbed
Eles nunca foram roubados
When I was young [PI]
Quando eu era joven
You were my best friend [PI]
Eras o meu melhor amigo
She was a nurse [PI]
Ela era enfermeira
We were students [PI]
Éramos estudantes
They were powerful [PI]
Eram poderosos
I have fourteen Euros
Eu tenho catorze euros
You (fam.) have something red
Tu tens algo vermelho
He has big shoes
Eles tem sapatos grandes
We have nothing
Não temos nada
They have no one to blame
Eles não têm ninguém para culpar
I had an accident
Tive um acidente
Did you (fam.) have an appointment yesterday?
Tiveste uma consulta ontem?
He had a meeting
Teve uma reunião
We had a game
Tivemos um jogo
They had to go
Tiveram de ir
I had a notebook [PI]
Tinha um caderno
Did you (fam.) have the letter? [PI]
Tinhas a carta?
She had a suitcase [PI]
Ela tinha uma mala
We had no ideas [PI]
Não tinhamos ideias
They had lots of coins [PI]
Tinham muitas moedas
I go to the store
Vou na loja
Ar you (fam.) going to get up?
Vais levantar-te?
He is going to the interview
Ele vai á entrevista