Phrasal Verbs Flashcards
She “looked at” the painting
Ella miraba el cuadro.
The boss “looks down” on his employees
El jefe desprecia a sus empleados
She “looked up” a word in the dictionary
Ella buscaba una palabra en el diccionario
I “called up” Lisa
Llamar a alguien por teléfono
I “jotted down” his address
Tomar nota de algo.
I “turned over” the book to know more about its author
Darle la vuelta al libro para saber más sobre el autor
I “checked out” the restaurant before making the reservation
He comprobado el restaurante antes de hacer la reserva.
I “put on” a scarf
Me puse una bufanda.
I “handed in” the report on time
Entregé mi informe a tiempo
“splash out”
E.g: We “splashed out” last night and went to a fancy restaurant
Derrochar el dinero / la casa por la ventana
“Pay off”
E.g: I nearly paid off my mortgage.
“Pay into”
E.g: Each month she pays into an account that can be used for medical expenses.
Meter dinero en una cuenta bancaria.
“to pay back”
E.g: I paid back the money he lent me.
Devolver el dinero a alguien.
“to spot on”
E.g: That insight was spot on.
Dar en el clavo.
to get the joke
Entender el chiste.