Phrasal Verbs Flashcards
Chill out
Relax and rest
Come up with
Think of (an idea or plan)
Set off
Start a journey
Work (something) out
Find an answer to something
Rely/ depend on (someone)
Be able to trust someone to do something
Fall out with (someone)
Have an argument with someone
Try (something) out
Experiment with an idea
Hit it off
Immediately like each other and become friendly
Look out for (someone/something)
Try to notice
Take after (someone)
Be like a parent or older sibling
Look up to (someone)
Respect or admire an older person
Look back at (something)
Think about something happened in the past
Make happy
Cheer up alegrar/ complacer a
Make tired
War out (agotar)
clear up
Tidy up (ordenar)
Tear up ( destruir)
hang around with
Spend time with (pasar tiempo con)
Take up
Start doing an activity for the first time
Have a go
Try something
Turn up
Get used to
Feel more comfortable in a new situation
Pick something up
Learn how to do something
Take risks
Do something even through something bad might happened because of it
Take part in
Be part of an event
Keep a promise
Do what you said you would do
Drop out
Stop going to classes before you have finished the course
Live up to something
Be as good as something
hand something back
return something to the person who gave it to you
get away with something
succeed in avoiding punishment for something
point out
tell someone about some information
put (something) of
delay an event or activity until a later time
get through something
avoid doing something you don’t want to do
take on
accept ( a challenge, job..)
catch up with something
do something you didn’t have time to do earlier
Drop out
Stop going to classes before you have finished the course
Live up to something
Be as good as something
hand something back
return something to the person who gave it to you
get away with something
succeed in avoiding punishment for something
point out
tell someone about some information
put (something) of
delay an event or activity until a later time
get through something
avoid doing something you don’t want to do
take on
accept ( a challenge, job..)
catch up with something
do something you didn’t have time to do earlier