Tienes que SUBIR a la quinta planta
You have to GO UP to the fifth floor
SUBÍ ayer
I went up there yesterday
El volvió a SUBIR para coger su chaqueta
He WENT BACK UP to get his jacket
Podrías SUBIR y coger mi cartera?
Could you GO UP and get my wallet ?
Has SUBIDO arriba del todo?
Have you gone up to the top?
Si subes a la cima puedes ver el mar
If you go up to the top, you can see the sea
El sube al desván
He goes up to the attic
Tengo que recoger mi traje de la tintorería
I need to pick up my suit from the dry cleaner´s
Donde tienes que recogerlo?
Where do you have to pick it up ?
Debería haberlo RECOGIDO ayer
I should have to picked it up yesterday
No me COGEN el telefono
They´re not picking up
RECOGE tus juguetes por favor
Pick your toys up, please
Tengo que ir a buscarle a las 7pm
I have to pick him up at 7pm
A donde tienes que ir a buscarle?
Where do you have to pick him up from?
No sería más fácil recogerlo en la estación?
Wouldn´t it be easier pick him up at the station?