Phrasal verbs Flashcards
Respaldar a alguien/algo
Back up
Hacer una copia de seguridad
Back up
Dar marcha atrás, retroceder
Back up
Dejarse llevar por la emoción,
Be carried away
to become so excited about something that you do not control what you say or do
Ser engañado
Be taken in
“I was taken in by the scam.”
Ser acogido
Be taken in
“The stray dog was taken in by a kind family.”
Inflar algo
Blow up
Would you help me blow up these balloons?
Blow up
The building blew up.
Averiarse, descomponerse (coche)
Break down
Our car broke down and we had to push it off the road.
Derrumbar algo físico o en sentido metafórico
Break down
She broke down and cried.
Deshacer, desintegrar, descomponerse
Break down
as the plant matter breaks down
Explicar algo con más claridad o dividirlo en partes
Break down
Can you break down this concept for me?
Bailar, expresarse din inhibiciones
Break it down
Entrar a la fuerza
Break in
“Thieves broke in through the window.”
Interrumpir una conversación
Break in
“Sorry to break in, but I have a question.”
Domar o entrenar, acostumbrar un caballo o sentido metafórico
Break in
“It takes time to break in new shoes.”
“She’s breaking in the new horse.”
Terminar algo repentinamente y de manera abrupta una relación, acuerdo o compromiso
Break off
“They broke off their engagement last week.”
The brothers broke off all contact with each other.
To separate a piece from the main part
Break off
“She broke off a piece of chocolate and gave it to me.”
Dejar de hablar o hacer algo de repente
Break off
“He broke off in the middle of his speech when he heard a noise.”
Something dangerous or unpleasant suddenly starts (de manera repentina) for wars, epidemics
Break out
“A fire broke out in the building last night.”
War broke out in 1914.
(Of a person) to begin to have pimples on the skin
Break out
“I broke out in a rash after eating that seafood.”
To escape from prision or a place where you are confined
“Three prisoners broke out of jail last night.”
Abrirse camino (a través de algo)
Break through
Protesters broke through the barriers.
to break through the crowd.
To overcome a difficulty or an obstacle (figuratively)
Break through
“She finally broke through the challenges and achieved her goal.”
Start succeeding in a competitive field
Break through
“The band broke through with their latest album.”
End a romantic relationship
Break up
“They broke up after five years of dating.”
End an activity, meeting or event.
Break up
We broke up for the holidays in June.
“The meeting broke up at noon.”
Divide into smaller parts.
Break up
“The class was broken up into smaller groups for the project.”
To have interruptions or distortions in audio, often due to technical issues.
Break up
“You’re breaking up; I can’t hear you clearly.”
Start laughing uncontrollably (informal).
Break up
“The joke was so funny, it broke everyone up.”
To intervene and separate people or groups who are fighting.
Break up
“The teacher broke up the fight between the two students.”
Bring out
The dress really brings out the color of your eyes.
Publicar o lanzar algo, such as a book, a product or album.
Bring out.
The company is bringing out a new smartphone next month.
Sacar de alguien.
To cause someone to show a particular emotion, behavior, or quality.
Bring out.
She brings out the best in him.
To reveal or emphasize something that might otherwise be hidden.
To mention a topic (mencionar un tema).
Bring up.
She brought up the issue during the meeting.
To raise a child (criar a un niño).
Bring up.
They brought up their children in a small town.
To vomit (vomitar).
Bring up.
He felt sick and brought up his dinner.
To raise a matter for discussion (presentar un asunto para discutir).
Bring up.
He brought up a question about the budget.
Planteó una pregunta sobre el presupuesto.
To increase or accumulate / Incrementar o acumular
Build up.
She built up her savings over the years.
To strengthen or improve / Fortalecer o mejorar
Build up.
Regular exercise helps to build up your stamina.
To develop or promote
Build up.
The media has been building up the new artist as the next big thing.
Crear tensión o expectativa antes de un evento.
Build up.
The movie’s trailer really built up the suspense.
To enter suddenly and forcefully / Entrar de repente y con fuerza, interrumpiendo algo
Burst in.
He burst in without knocking and surprised everyone.
Interrumpir de forma abrupta
Burst in.
She burst in while we were discussing the project.
To suddenly express an emotion (e.g., laughing, crying)
Burst out.
She burst out laughing when she saw the joke.
To suddenly exclaim or say something
Burst out.
He burst out, “I can’t believe this is happening!”.
Escapar o emerger de un lugar repentinamente
Burst out.
Flames burst out of the building during the fire.
Pedir a una persona, como un médico o un experto, que venga para ayudar o trabajar.
Call in.
We had to call in a plumber to fix the leak.
To make a phone call to a place, like a workplace or radio station
Call in.
She called in to report that she was feeling sick and couldn’t come to work.
To order someone to return something
Call in.
The company called in all defective products for a safety check.
To cancel or postpone something /
Call off.
They had to call off the meeting due to bad weather.
To stop or interrupt an action, usually to prevent something
Call off.
The police officer called off the chase when it became too dangerous for everyone involved.
To order someone or something to stop an action
Call off.
Estructura peculiar:
The coach called off the players when the game was over.
The manager called off the workers when the fire alarm went off.
To ask someone to do something (usually formally). Para participar en algo, una pregunta, una tarea o una ocasión.
Call on.
The teacher called on John to answer the question.
To visit someone
Call on.
I’ll call on you tomorrow to discuss the project.
To make use or rely on something
Call on.
We had to call on all our resources to finish the project on time.
To look after or take care of someone or something
Care for.
She cares for her elderly parents every day.
To provide for someone’s needs (physics or emotionals)
Care for.
The nurse cares for the patients in the hospital.
Seguir realizando una actividad o tarea después de una interrupción o en general
Carry on.
Despite the rain, they carried on with the game.
To behave in an emotional or exaggerated way, uncontrollably
Carry on.
He carried on about the mistake for hours.
Realizar / llevar a cabo
Carry out