Phrasal Verbs Flashcards
Blend in
To look or seem the same as surrounding people or things and therefore not be easily noticeable:
Come through
To succeed in a difficult situation; to deliver something as promised.
Dream up
To invent or imagine something, especially something creative or unrealistic.
Dress up
To wear formal or special clothes, or to wear a costume.
Face up to
To confront or deal with a difficult situation.
Fit in
To be socially accepted or to belong to a group.
Kick off
To begin or start something, especially an event.
Go on
To continue or proceed with something.
Live up to
To meet expectations or standards.
Look up to
To admire or respect someone.
Mess up
To make a mistake or cause a problem.
Put through
To subject someone to something unpleasant or difficult.
Show off
To display something proudly, often to attract attention.
Turn around
To change direction or reverse a situation.
Warm up
To prepare for an activity, especially physical exercise.