Phrasal Verbs Flashcards
blow one’s top
become extremely angry.
very tired; exhausted.
a cinch:
something that’s very easy to do.
crash course:
short course designed to give a lot of knowledge/information in a very short time.
uncertain; taking too much of a chance.
do a bang-up job:
do a very good job; do very well at something.
Easy does it!:
Be very careful! / Don’t do anything too fast or too hard!
- an egghead:
a very intelligent person
elbow grease:
hard work; effort.
feel puny:
feel unwell, ill.
get a move on
get one’s wires crossed: be confused or mistaken about something.
get one’s wires crossed: be confused or mistaken about something.
have something down pat:
know/understand something completely and thoroughly.
head honcho:
person in charge; top boss.
‘jump all over someone:
severely criticize / find fault with someone.
keep one’s nose to the grindstone
stay diligent; steadily work hard,