Phrasal verbs Flashcards
Visitar sin avisar previamente
Drop in ——- I might drop in for a cup of coffee later.
Participar en una actividad que ya está en marcha
Join in ——- Can I join in the game?
Conectar a la fuente de electricidad
Plug in ——- Make sure to plug in your phone to charge it.
Completar la información necesaria en un formulario
Fill in ——- Please fill in your name and address on the form.
Engañar a alguien
Take (sb) in ——- He tried to take me in with his fake story.
Comer fuera de casa
Eat out ——- Let’s eat out tonight; I don’t feel like cooking.
Dejar algo antes de terminarlo completamente (como un curso o una carrera)
Drop out ——- Unfortunately, she had to drop out of school.
Evitar hacer algo, escapar de una situación
Get out ——- If you don’t like it, just get out.
Omitir, no incluir algo
Leave (sth) out ——- Don’t leave any details out of the report.
Hacer ejercicios físicos
Work out ——- I usually work out at the gym three times a week.
Resolver un problema
Work out ——- We need to work out this issue before the meeting.
Calcular, pensar en un problema y encontrar la respuesta
Work out ——- Can you work out the total cost for us?
Llevar a cabo una tarea o proyecto
Carry out ——- The team will carry out the project next week.
Tener una pelea o discusión con alguien
Fall out (with sb) ——- They fell out over a disagreement about money.
Repartir a cada persona
Give out ——- The teacher gave out books to the students.
Observar, señalar algo
Point out ——- She was quick to point out the mistakes.
Quedarse sin algo, agotarse
Run out (of sth) ——- We’ve run out of milk; we need to buy some.
Encontrar una solución, poner en orden
Sort out ——- Let’s sort out this problem as soon as possible.
Presentarse, asistir a un evento; resultar
Turn out ——- Many people turned out for the concert. The plan turned out to be successful.
Probar algo para ver si está bien o funciona
Try out ——- I want to try out this new recipe.
Suceder, ocurrir
Go on ——- What’s going on here?
Continuar, seguir
Go on ——- The show must go on, despite the challenges.
Visitar un sitio web
Go on ——- I’ll go on the website to check for updates.
Cancelar algo
Call off ——- Due to the weather, they had to call off the outdoor event.
Posponer algo
Put off ——- Let’s put off the meeting until next week.
Vestir (ropa)
Put on ——- She put on her favorite dress for the party.
Poner música, encender un dispositivo
Put on ——- Can you put on some music for the party?
Aumentar peso, ganar peso
Put on ——- He put on a few pounds over the holidays.
Probarse ropa
Try on ——- I need to try on these shoes before buying them.
Quitarse ropa, despegar (avión)
Take off ——- It’s hot; I need to take off my jacket.
Despegar (avión)
Take off ——- The plane is scheduled to take off at 2 PM.
Irse, partir
Be off ——- I’ll be off to the grocery store; do you need anything?
Irse caminando
Walk off ——- After the argument, he decided to walk off in frustration.
Irse conduciendo
Drive off ——- After the disagreement, she decided to drive off without saying a word.
Alejarse en bicicleta
Ride off ——- After the meeting, he decided to ride off for some fresh air.
Irse, marcharse
Go off ——- I’ll go off and get some fresh air.
Iniciar un viaje
Set off ——- We plan to set off early in the morning.
Despedir a alguien (en el aeropuerto, estación, etc.)
See off ——- We gathered at the airport to see off our friend.
Continuar conduciendo
Drive on ——- After a short break, we decided to drive on to our destination.
Continuar caminando
Walk on ——- Despite the rain, they decided to walk on to the next town.
Continuar jugando
Play on ——- Despite the injury, the athlete decided to play on.
Continuar, seguir haciendo algo
Carry on ——- Carry on with your work; I’ll be back soon.
Llevarse bien con alguien
Get on (with sb) ——- I get on well with my colleagues at work.
Subir a (autobús, tren, avión)
Get on ——- Let’s get on the bus and go to the city.
Continuar haciendo algo que se tenía que hacer, generalmente después de una interrupción
Get on (with sth) ——- After the interruption, we need to get on with the project.
Quedarse dormido, adormecerse
Doze off ——- During the boring lecture, I tend to doze off.
Quedarse dormido, adormecerse
Drop off ——- During the boring lecture, I tend to drop off.
Quedarse dormido, adormecerse
Nod off ——- During the boring lecture, I tend to nod off.
Completar la última parte de algo, terminar
Finish (sth) off ——- Let’s finish off this project before the deadline.
Explotar, estallar
Go off ——- The bomb is designed to go off at midnight.
Sonar (una alarma)
Go off ——- The fire alarm went off, and we had to evacuate.
Desanimar a alguien, quitarle las ganas de hacer algo
Put off ——- The bad news put her off attending the event.
Estafar, cobrar un precio excesivo
Rip off ——- That store ripped me off with their high prices.
Presumir, mostrar con orgullo
Show off ——- He always likes to show off his new gadgets.
Reñir, regañar
Tell off ——- The teacher had to tell him off for misbehaving.
Colgar algo (en la pared)
Put up ——- Can you put up this picture on the wall?
Recoger algo, levantar algo
Pick up ——- Can you pick up the groceries on your way home?
Ponerse de pie, levantarse
Stand up ——- Please stand up for a moment of silence.
Aumentar (volumen, intensidad, etc.)
Turn up ——- Can you turn up the music a bit?
Descolgar algo (de la pared)
Take down ——- Let’s take down these old paintings and replace them with new ones.
Poner algo sobre una superficie
Put down ——- Put down the books on the table.
Sit down ——- Please sit down; the meeting is about to start.
Reducir (volumen, intensidad, etc.)
Turn down ——- Turn down the volume; it’s too loud.
Derribar, demoler un edificio
Knock down ——- They plan to knock down the old building and construct a new one.
Derribar algo con el viento
Blow down ——- The strong winds could blow down the trees.
Talar un árbol
Cut down ——- Unfortunately, they had to cut down the old tree.
Atropellar a alguien con un vehículo
Knock down ——- The car accidentally knocked down a pedestrian.
Ser destruido por un incendio
Burn down ——- The old house burned down overnight.
Ir más despacio
Slow down ——- You should slow down when driving through the neighborhood.
Calmar a alguien
Calm (sb) down ——- Take a deep breath; it will calm you down.
Reducir el consumo de algo
Cut down (on sth) ——- I decided to cut down on sugar for a healthier lifestyle.