Phrasal verbs Flashcards
Account for
Expliquer, donner une raison pour
I hope you can account for your behavior !
Add up
Faire sens, avoir du sens
Your story simply doesn’t add up !
Allow for
Permettre/Prendre en compte
Boil down
Peut être résumé
It can all be boiled down to a few rules
Bump into
Tomber sur quelqu’un
I bumped into bestie at the mall
Break away
Se séparer / Quitter un groupe
He broke away from the crowd
Call off
Drop in
Passer voir quelqu’un
Drop off
Livrer / S’endormir
I dropped your parcel off
Fall through
The multi million dollar contract fell through
Go by
S’écouler / Passer
It went by quickly
Put up
Supporter / Endurer
Rule out
Éliminer / Exclure
We should rule him out from the list of suspects
Take after
Tenir de / Ressembler
You really do take after your mother
Want out
Vouloir s’en aller
Set out
Prendre la route, partir, exposer, entreprendre
Burst into
Faire irruption/Fondre en larmes
The man burst into the room
Call on
Rendre visite à / Faire appel à
The union called on the workers to support a strike
Call round
Passer (voir quelqu’un)
Peter said that he would call round sometime in the afternoon
Chase away
Chasser (littéralement) / Repousser, éloigner
It was a good luck charm to chase away his nightmares / Chase away that goose before it flies away.
Come off
Marcher, fonctionner (réussite) / Se détacher
Come to
Reprendre conscience
Do away with
Se débarasser de / En finir avec
“To improve the overall quality of our milk, we wanted to do away with the use of antibiotics on our cows”
Face up to
Faire face / Accepter
You need to face up to reality, and deal with the matter swiftly.
Fall out
Tomber / Se disputer
They have fallen out and are no longer speaking to each other.
Flick off
Faire un doigt / Éteindre
Flick on
Give in
Céder, abandonner
She is trying to avoid sweets, but if you tempt her with chocolate, she always gives in.
I give in; it’s just too difficult.
Go off
Exploser (bombe) / Sonner (Alarme) / Partir / Ne plus du tout apprécier, être dégouté
Go under
Couler (Faire faillite)
GM did go under, despite their claims.
Go without
Se passer de
A camel can go without water for a week.
Hand over
he police officer persuaded Taylor to hand the knife over.
Hold out
Tendre (offrir) / Tenir, durer
I don’t think the cattle feed is going to hold out until Christmas, we must order more.
Leave out
Exclure (feel left out) / Oublier, omettre
The bread did not rise because I left out the yeast by mistake.