Phrasal Verbs Flashcards


Phrasal Verbs 01

  1. Quebrar algo
  2. Criar (educar) alguém
  3. Cancelar algo
  4. Continuar com algo
  5. Verificar algo
  6. Resolver ou entender algo
  7. Dar-se bem com alguém
  8. Desistir de / Parar com algo
  9. Cuidar de alguém
  10. Reconciliar-se com alguém
  11. Adiar algo
  12. Montar algo (organizar)
  13. Decolar (avião) / Tirar (roupa) algo
  14. Ligar algo
  15. Acordar alguém
  16. Devolver algo
  17. Pegar algo/alguém
  18. Ficar sem algo
  19. Levantar-se (pessoa)
  20. Procurar algo
  1. Break down [sth]: My car broke down on the way to work.
  2. Bring up [sbd]: She was brought up by her grandparents.
  3. Call off [sth]: They had to call off the meeting due to bad weather.
  4. Carry on [sth]: Please carry on with your work while I’m away.
  5. Check out [sth]: You should check out that new restaurant in town.
  6. Figure out [sth]: I need to figure out how to solve this math problem.
  7. Get along with [sbd]: Sarah gets along well with her colleagues.
  8. Give up [sth]: He decided to give up smoking.
  9. Look after [sbd]: Can you look after my cat while I’m on vacation?
  10. Make up [sbd]: They had a fight but eventually made up.
  11. Put off [sth]: We had to put off the party until next weekend.
  12. Set up [sth]: They are planning to set up a new business.
  13. Take off [sth]: The plane is scheduled to take off in an hour.
  14. Turn on [sth]: Could you please turn on the lights?
  15. Wake up [sbd]: I usually wake up early in the morning.
  16. Give back [sth]: Don’t forget to give back the book you borrowed.
  17. Pick up [sth]/[sbd]: I’ll pick up some groceries on my way home.
  18. Run out of [sth]: We ran out of milk, so I need to buy more.
  19. Stand up [sbd]: The students stood up when the teacher entered the room.
  20. Look up [sth]: You can look up the definition of that word in the dictionary.
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Phrasal Verbs 02

  1. Resultar em algo/Alguém
  2. Distribuir algo gratuitamente
  3. Tirar algo/Alguém
  4. Antecipar algo
  5. Telefonar para alguém
  6. Estabelecer algo
  7. Entrar em algo
  8. Romper algo
  9. Descobrir algo/Alguém
  10. Admirar alguém
  11. Tirar algo/Alguém
  12. Segurar algo/Alguém
  13. Causar algo
  14. Rejeitar algo/Alguém
  15. Desistir de algo
  16. Rever algo/Alguém
  17. Reservar algo
  18. Remover algo
  19. Revisar algo/Alguém
  20. Aceitar algo/Assumir algo

1 Turn out [sth]/[sbd]: The event turned out to be a great success.
2 Give away [sth]: They give away free samples at the grocery store.
3 Take off [sbd]: He took off his hat when entering the building.
4 Bring forward [sth]: Let’s bring forward the meeting to Monday.
5 Call up [sbd]: I’ll call up my friend to see if she wants to join us.
6 Set up [sth]: They set up a charity organization to help the homeless.
7 Get in [sth]: He got in the car and drove away.
8 Break through [sth]: The sun broke through the clouds after a rainy day.
9 Find out [sth]/[sbd]: I found out the truth about what happened.
10 Look up to [sbd]: She looks up to her older sister as a role model.
11 Take off [sth]/[sbd]: Please take off your shoes before entering the house.
12 Hold back [sth]/[sbd]: He couldn’t hold back his tears at the sad news.
13 Bring about [sth]: His hard work brought about positive changes in his life.
14 Turn down [sth]/[sbd]: They turned down the offer because it wasn’t enough.
15 Give up [sth]: She decided to give up sweets to improve her health.
16 Look over [sth]/[sbd]: He looked over the contract before signing it.
17 Set aside [sth]: He set aside some money for his future expenses.
18 Get out [sth]: She got the stain out of her shirt with some detergent.
19 Go over [sth]/[sbd]: Let’s go over the details one more time.
20 Take up [sth]/[sbd]: He took up the challenge of learning a new language.

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Phrasal Verbs 03

1 Desligar algo.
2 Ceder.
3 Aguardar ansiosamente por algo.
4 Cuidar de algo/alguém.
5 Atrair/gerar algo.
6 Retornar uma ligação.
7 Estabelecer-se/fixar-se.
8 Superar algo/alguém.
9 Aguentar/tolerar algo/alguém.
10 Terminar um relacionamento.
11 Descobrir algo.
12 Cuidado com algo/alguém.
13 Segurar-se em algo.
14 Trazer de volta algo.
15 Começar a fazer algo (como hobby ou atividade).
16 Passar por algo/viver algo difícil.
17 Investigar/examinar algo.
18 Contentar-se com algo.
19 Sair impune de algo.
20 Vestir algo.
21 Atrasar/aliciar algo/alguém.


1 Turn off [sth]: Can you please turn off the TV?
2 Give in [sbd]: He didn’t want to continue arguing, so he gave in
3 Look forward to [sth]: I look forward to seeing you at the party
4 Take care of [sth]/[sbd]: She takes good care of her plants
5 Bring in [sth]: The new marketing strategy brought in more customers
6 Call back [sbd]: I’ll call you back as soon as I’m available
7 Settle down [sbd]: After traveling the world, she finally settled down in a small town
8 Get over [sth]/[sbd]: It took her a long time to get over the breakup
9 Put up with [sth]/[sbd]: He can’t put up with her constant complaining anymore
10 Break up [sbd]: They decided to break up after years of being together
11 Find out [sth]: I need to find out the time of the movie
12 Look out for [sth]/[sbd]: Look out for pedestrians while driving
13 Hold on [sth]: Please hold on to the railing while climbing the stairs
14 Bring back [sth]: Can you bring back some souvenirs from your trip?
15 Take up [sth]: He decided to take up painting as a hobby
16 Go through [sth]: I’m going through a difficult time right now
17 Look into [sth]: The police will look into the matter
18 Settle for [sth]: If they don’t have the blue one, I’ll settle for the red one
19 Get away with [sth]: He always manages to get away with breaking the rules
20 Put on [sth]: She put on her coat before going outside
21 Hold up [sth]/[sbd]: The traffic accident held up the flow of cars

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