Phrasal verbs Flashcards
Break down
(Averiarse - romperse) The new and super espensive machine in the delivery area broke down yesterday.
Come up with
Inventarse - Elaborar una solución. The rooky came up with a great idea to save the advertising campaign
Drop out
Abandonar - Dejar. University students are dropping out at an alarming rate this year
End up
Terminar - Concluir. Almost 50% of marriages end up in divorce.
Find out
Descubrir - Enterarse de. Christine left him as soon as she found out about the affair
Give up
Rendirse. My biggest struggle is to give up alcohol
Hold on
Mantenerse - No rendirse - Esperar en línea. : Sure! Hold on… Don’t hang up please!
Join in
Apuntarse - Unirse, Ser parte de un grupo. Andrew started the researching group and now Daniel joined in it
Keep on
Persistir- seguir. The best you can do is to keep on practicing phrasal verbs.
Look up to
Admirar a alguien. When I say that I look up to you, it’s because I mean it.
Move in
Mudarse. I am planning to buy an apartment or a house. As soon as I get it, I will move in.
Open up
Share your feellings or thoughts with someone. It also applies for mechanical or physical facts.
I shouldn’t have opened up with you like that last night. I was too drunk.
The flowers opened up yesterday morning. They’re gorgeous!
Pass away
Morir. Stop denying the reality! Millions are passing away
Look forward to
Catch up
[Ponerse al día] To Get Up to Date. I need to catch up on the news; I’ve been away for a few days
Get rid of
[Deshacerse] Implies the action of removing or discarding something in order to declutter,
Wrap up
[Finalizar, concluir] I should be wrapping that up today.
Come up
[surgir] Let me know if anything comes up. The subject came up in the conversation.