PHRASAL VERBS 1 Flashcards
Before launching the new software globally, the development team decided to …………… out in a controlled environment to identify any potential bugs.
The engineer spent hours ……………….. with the circuit board, hoping to enhance the device’s performance without causing a complete system overhaul.
She wasn’t sure how to…………………………about restructuring the department, so she consulted with industry experts to develop a comprehensive strategy.
To prepare for the upcoming debate, he spent the entire weekend ………………… up on the latest research surrounding climate change policies.
It took a few weeks for the new procedure to ………………… on among the staff, but eventually, everyone recognized its efficiency.
After attending a few lectures on quantum physics, she found herself increasingly eager to…………….. into the subject at a deeper level.
The marketing team managed to ………………..up an innovative campaign that captured the attention of a younger demographic.
In response to the unexpected crisis, the executive team was tasked with ……………..up with a contingency plan that would mitigate potential losses.