Phrasal verbs 001-050 Flashcards
apoyar, respaldar; corroborar
to back up # Go ahead and tell the boss just what happened. I’ll back you up on it. # The girl denied being there, and the man backed her up.
encontrarse con alguien o algo (por casualidad) (to c…)
to come across sb/sth # He came across some of his old love letters in his wife’s desk. # I came across a group of children playing.
to wait or spend time somewhere, usually for no particular reason; merodear, juntarse
to hang [(a)round | about] (somwhere) # I spent most of my youth hanging around the bars of Dublin. # On Saturdays we hang about in the park. # ..those people hanging round the streets at 6 am with nowhere to go. # They usually hung around together most of the time. # …the usual young crowd who hung around the cafe day in and day out.
estar preparado y con ganas de hacer algo (informal)
to be up for sth # We’re going clubbing tonight if you’re up for it. # I’m a little busy right now, but your brother is probably up for a game of basketball. # The team is up for the game tonight. # We are all up for the contest.
ordernar, organizar; solucionar
to sort out # Sort out all your books. # They’ve sorted out their problems. # Julia intended to go home early in order to sort out the dinner arrangements. # My son needs to sort out the clothes in the wardrobe.
entender o comprender algo (to g…)
to get a handle ON sth # We need to get a handle on what caused the fire. # I can’t get a handle on this at all. Can you explain it again? # I can’t really get a handle on the situation here. What’s happening?
restringir, reducir
to narrow (down) # When choosing a college, it is important to narrow down your options to only three or four colleges.
ventilarse algo (comida/bebida o trabajo), to finish sth quickily and easily (especially a lot of food or work)
to polish off # He polished off the whole cake without offering a slice to anyone else. # No matter what he is offered to eat he polishes it off in an instant. # He polished off the whole pie. # I polished off three essays in one week.
desviarse hacia la cuneta
to pull over # When he saw the flashing lights in the rear-view mirror, he pulled over.
to see off # I went to see Jane off at the station. # He came to the airport with me to see me off. # I’ll drive you to the station and see you off.
presumir, fanfarronear
to show off # I bought a Ferrari only to show off.
to put off # We had to put the meeting off.
poner la zancadilla
to trip sb up # Have you tripped your brother up?
quitarse el collar, la pulsera o la corbata
to take off the necklace /ˈneklɪs/, the bracelet or the tie
quitarse los pendientes
to take out the earrings # I can’t take out my earrings! They’re stuck!
sacrificar un animal
to put down an animal # We had to have the dog put down.
descubrir, enterarse de, averiguar
to find out # She found out that her husband was having an affair. # I just found out that my sister is pregnant. # He’ll end up finding out [sooner or later | eventually]. # Let’s make sure he doesn’t find out.
rajarse, abandonar cobardemente
to chicken out # You’re not chickening out, are you?
ponerse desodorante
to put on deodorant /diːˈəʊdərənt/
soltar algo o a alguien
to let go of sth/sb # Don’t let go (of me)! # Let go of my hand. # Don’t let go of my hand.