Phrasal verb 1/50 Flashcards
- cheer . . . up p.v.
When people cheer up:
- they stop being unhappy
- stop being depressed
- become happier and more cheerful.
- I was very worried when I heard my mother was sick, but I cheered up later when the doctor said it wasn’t serious.
2 When you try to cheer people up
you try to make them:
- try to make them less unhappy or
- try to make them depressed
- try to make them more cheerful (joyeux).
- Larry is always in a bad mood. I try to cheer himup, but nothing works.
3 When you say “ cheer up ” to people
You are encouraging them:
- to be less unhappy
- to be less depressed
- and to be more cheerful.
- Hey, cheer up. Everything is going to be OK.
- figure…out <strong><span>trouver comprendre</span></strong>p.v.
When you figure out something, such as:
- the answer to a question,
- the solution to a problem,
- or why a person is a certain way
- or acts a certain way,
you think about and succeed in understanding it.
- Joe’s so hostile all the time. I can’t figure him out.
- I looked everywhere for my keys, but I couldn’t figure out where I put them.
- give….back <strong><span>redonner rendre</span></strong> (to) p.v.
- When you return something to someone,
- you give itback.
- Can I use your pen? I’ll give it back after the test.
- Timmy, give that toy back to your sister right now!
- pass away p.v.
When people die, they pass away.
- After my husband pass away , I went to live with my sister in Florida.
- I was sorry to hear that Maria’s mother pass away .
- put….on <strong><span>mettre enfiler</span></strong>p.v.
When you place something:
- on your body ( enfiler, mettre)
- apply something to your body. ( Appliquer)
You put iton.
- I put on my new dress before going to the party.
- Erik forgot to put suntan lotion on, and now he’s as red as a lobster.
2.put…ondeposer revêtir p.v.
When you place something on
- another surface
- apply something to another surface.
you put it on
- I put the book on the table.
- Jerry put too much fertilizer on <strong><span>revêtir</span></strong> his lawn, and now he has to cut it twice a week.
3. put….on mettre p.v.
- When you attach or affix something to another thing,
you put it on.
- The Wilsons put a new roof on their house last year.
- I told the tailor to put r_ed buttons_ on the dress he’s making for me.
- put…on <strong><span>prendre du poids</span></strong> p.v.
When you put on weight, you gain weight.
- Did you see Mike? He’s put on so much weight that I didn’t recognize him.
I need to go on a diet. I’ve been putting a lot of weight on lately.
- put….on <strong><span>monter mettre</span></strong><span><strong> </strong></span> p.v.
When you organize or perform something for other people’s entertainment, such as a play or a concert,
you put it on.
- That opera hasn’t been put on for more than 200 years.
- The club put a show on to raise money for the party.
- put on <strong><span>faire marcher</span></strong> p.v.
When you put people on , you kid or tease them.
- You won the lottery? You’re putting me on!
- Don’t put me on!—tell me the truth.
put-on. canularnom
Something done with
- the intention of fooling ( tromper, duper)
- or deceiving people is a put-on.
- He didn’t really win the lottery. It was all a big put-on to impress his girlfriend.
- run into <strong><span>Rentrer dans-Heurter</span></strong> p.v.
When you are driving:
- and hit another vehicle
- or something near the road, such as a tree or a telephone pole
you run into it.
- Ali was driving too fast, and he ran into a telephone pole.
- I was run into by a truck.
- run into <strong><span>croiser</span></strong> p.v.
When you meet people:
- unexpectedly avec étonnement, imprévisible
- or unintentionally.
you run into them.
Bump into is the same as run into.
We ran into Karen and her new boyfriend at the supermarket yesterday.
I owe je dois Frank $300, so I hope I don’t run into him.