Phrasal ll Flashcards
Darse prisa / do smth more quickly
- Hurry up*
- We are going to lose the train,hurry up!
to quit / perder el gusto por
- Go off*
- I started to go off the idea. It seems really complicated.
- Save up*
- I will save up for my new car.
Comer todo
- Eat up*
- You must eat up your lunch.
Come to your home (to see you)
- Come round*
- Beryl came round this morning to apologize.
Understand smth / to become popular
- Catch on*
- Wait a minute! I’m beginning to catch on that math’s problem.
- That style has been around for ages without catching on.
Romper a
- Break into*
- He broke into a wide grin.
Reduce the amount you consume of smth
- Cut down on*
- I going to cut down on cigarettes because I’m an avid smoker.
Criar / sacar un tema
- Bring up*
- I brought up my children in the countryside.
- He brought up a subject rarely raised during the course.
Go to anywhere that’s not your destination for visiting or doing smth
- Drop by/in*
- I will drop I the supermarket to by some water.
Poner en su sitio
- Put away*
- Can you put away that doll? It’s not in its place
- Cheer up*
- Come on, cheer up!! It will be a fantastic trip.
Crear / urbanizar
- Build up*
- We build up a jigsaw.
- Set off*
- I set off very quickly from our home.
- Come out*
- I came out the wardrobe with my family last year.
To end a relationship
- Break up*
- They broke up and she broke into tears.
Encontrarse por casualidad (smth)
Come across
To continue/ Seguir
- Carry on*
- 🎶Carry on, carry on… Like nothing really matters
An end result of smth.
- end up*
- This story end up pretty nice.
Eliminate / deshacerse de
- Get rid off*
- I got rid off that bicycle years ago.
To continue
- Go on*
- You have to go on with the tasks.
- Grow up*
- I grown up in the countryside.
- Find out*
- I was relieved to find out that my problems were due to a genuine disorder.
to continue (to know the newest information about)
- Keep up // (with)*
- I keep up with my a classes
- I keep up with the news because I keen on them
Start a hobby
- Take up*
- I toke up tennis last summer and I love it.
- Come up*
- He came up from the bushes.
Subir / Colgar
- Put up (smth)*
- The teacher training college put up a plaque to the college’s founder.
Entristecer / to become miserable
- Bring (someone) down*
- This song bring me down because it is so sad.
- Get away*
- I will get away with my parents to a paradisal island.
Infravalorar a alguien / considerar que tú eres mejor que alguien
- Look down on (someone)*
- I look down on my aunt because she is so silly.
- look up to (someone)*
- I look up to my uncle because he is so clever.
- Soak up*
- This sponge soaked up all the water.
- Call off*
- They call off the rehearsal.
Inventar / glow-up
- make up (smth) // make (smone) up*
- I reckon it’s very unkind of you to make up stories about him.
- his making himself up due to his date
Enfrentarse / dar la cara /
- Stand up to*
- I will stand up to my destiny.
- Tidy up*
- Tidy up your room!
- Chop down*
- The hurricane chopped down all the trees.
Llover mucho
- Pouring down*
- It is pouring down now! Pedro will be wet in a minute.
To do / Llevar a cabo algo
- Carry out*
(only: threats, tasks or instructions) - Police say they believe the attacks were carried out by nationalists.
Hacer el tonto / Perder el tiempo
- Mess around*
- We were just messing around, playing with paint instead of studying.
- They are messing around. They are so annoying!
Postpone / Desanimar
- Put (smth/ someone) off*
- They put the competition off for the next Monday.
- He can’t put me off for doing the birthday.
Dress smarter
- Dress up*
- You don’t need to dress up, it’s an informal dinner.
Llevarse bien con alguien
- Get along with (someone)*
- I get along with Eva. She’s so nice:)
Darse por vencido
- Give up*
- Well, I give up! This is impossible.
- Fall out*
- She fell out with her sister.
Contar con (someone)
Count on
Tell off
Se reduce / la esencia de algo
Comes down
Repasar (smth)
- Brush up*
- I must brush up my English for the trip to England.
Caer en enfermedad
Come down
Salir del colegio, universidad etc.
Drop out
I am going to drop out school
Acabarse / agotarse
- Run out*
- My patience has run out.
Dar el brazo a torcer
Back down
- I will back down in this decision.
Darle vida a algo (animarlo)
- Liven (smth) up*
- We are going to liven this party up
Encontrarse con alguien por casualidad
- Run into / bumped into*
- I run into Eva yesterday.
Come into (money)
To wait (because you think it will be enjoyable)
looking forward
He was looking forward to working with the new Prime Minister
Calentar (before the exercise)
Warm up
Grow up quickly / dispararse de precio
Shoot up
- Sales shot up by 9% last month.
Talk loudly
Speak up
Stand up
Llenar el depósito / echar gasolina
Fill up
- Maje sure you fill up the petrol tank
Curar / sana
Heal up
- This wound will take a long time to heal up.
Llamar a
Ring (someone) up
- You can ring me up whenever you want.
To solve a misunderstanding/ aclarar
Clear up
- Can we clear up this problem??
Do ( smth) up
- Nicholas has bought a house and is spending August doing it up
To get rid off
Do away with
- She will do away with all her cigarettes because she want to quite smoking.
Pick up
Turn (smth/someone) down
- I thanked him for the offer but tuned it down.
Decepcionar / dejar tirado
Let (somebody) down
- This car won’t let you down.
Look into
- He had once looked into buying his own island.
Go for
- People have tried to persuade him to go for a science career since then.
Preguntar por
Ask after
Pedir o solicitar algo
Ask for
To say a bad response
Answer back
To have success in smth or to do it well
Carry off
- She carried off the dance rehearsal perfectly
To revise
Go over
- If you want, we can go over your test
To select smth
Pick out
Thank you for picking out something for my mum
Tell on
To happen something that you didn’t expected
Turn out
It’s turns out that I was wrong
To brag / to boust
Show off
seguir el rollo
Go along with (an idea)
Llevar acabo (only an experiment or a survey)
I will carry out the survey in order to have better results
Showing off