Photosynthesis Flashcards
What are some photosynthetic organisms?
Photosynthetic organisms - bacteria, algae and plants
Cyanobacteria can bloom on a lake
These organisms make a considerable contribution to CO2 fixation
Photosynthesis may be oxygenic or non-oxygenic, depending on the electron donor (mainly in bacteria) i.e. water of hydrogen sulfate
What is necessary for absorption of photons?
The principal light harvesting molecules are (bacterio)chlorophylls
Chlorophyll a gives a plant it’s green colour, and this is the most abundant one
Similar structure to haem (cyclic tetrapyrrole) with Mg in the middle
It can absorb light and delocalise electrons around the structure and transfers the energy across to adjacent chlorophyll molecules = Mg not involved in redox
There are other pigments e.g. carotenoids
What are the steps of photosynthesis? and protein complexes involved?
Steps: Light harvesting Photochemical charge separation Electron transport Oxidation of electron donor Proton pumping Reduction of electron acceptor
Protein complexes: Light harvesting protein complexes Photosystem II (PSII) Cytochrome b6f Photosystem I (PSI)
Describe the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll a and b?
Chlorophyll a and b have different absorption/emission - due to different side chains, which leads to different absorption properties
They absorb well in the blue and red ends of the spectrum but not in the green
The pigments are bound to proteins that affect their precise absorbance characteristics
What is the principal of light energy, within photosynthesis?
Light energy causes excitation of electrons within the conjugated double bond system of chlorophyll
This excitation energy (not electrons) can be transferred to adjacent chlorophyll molecules and eventually it reaches the reaction centre, which is part of a photosystem
Therefore light energy can be harvested from a large surface area (antenna chlorophylls or light-harvesting complex (LHC))
What are all the ways in whihc an electronically excited molecule can dissipate its energy?
Internal conversion - converted to kinetic energy and then heat for motion
Excitation transfer - transfers the energy to unexcited molecules with similar electronic properties (charge separation)
Therefore light energy can be harvested from a large surface area
Give an overview of light into chemical energy in bacteria?
The photochemistry of charge separation occurs and is harnessed within protein complexes called photosynthetic reaction centres
The relatively simple photosynthetic reaction centre of the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas viridis reveals the blueprint for photochemistry
Describe the structure of Rhodopseudomonas viridis reaction centre?
4 polypeptides L (red) M (blue) H chain (white) and cytochrome subunit (C, yellow)
L and M are structural
Bacteriochlorophyll is like chlorophyll of plants but has minor structural difference that gives rise to a longer absorption max (near 1000nm)
Bacteriopheophytin is bacteriochlorophyll without the Mg2+ ion
The special pair of chlorophylls are where the light-induced charge separation occurs
Quinone, haems and non haem iron from the mitochondrial electron transport - they perform similar electron and hydrogen atom transport functions here
What is the mechanism of electron transfer in bacteria?
- The energy arrives, after jumping from chlorophyll to chlorophyll, at a ‘special’ pair of chloroplasts called P960
Named as 960 nm is the peak wavelength to excite the electrons the most - The energy of excitation causes an electron to hop off and go onto a nearby molecule - bacterial pheophytin (similar to chlorophyll but doesn’t contain Mg in the middle)
- A separate electron from the heme group of the cytochrome subunit to reduce the reaction center P960 again (heme is oxidised)
This fast simultaneous reaction allows this process to be unidirectional - The first electron then jumps to plastoquinone (Qa)
Similar to ubiquinone in mitochondria e.g. Lipophilic and can diffuse within the membrane - The electron is passed to an exchangeable plastoquinone (Qb), and here it picks up to protons from the stroma to reduce the quinone
- The cycle repeats with a second electron - producing a molecule of quinone reduced in its QH2 form
Describe the reoxidiation of QH2 by the respiratory chain?
The QH2 formed by the bacterial reaction centre is re-oxidised by complex III (bc1) of the respiratory chain and the cytochrome subunit re-reduced by cytochrome c2
QH2 being oxidised results in protons being released to the periplasmic side of the membrane and the e- go to cytochrome c2
These electrons are then donated to the cytochrome subunit of the reaction center
This is a cyclic process that produces a proton gradient anaerobically in the presence of light
Therefore there is a respiratory chain as well as a reactive chain within the same membrane
Give an overview of photosynthesis in chloroplasts?
Photons fall on the protein complexes, the energy is used to split water to produce oxygen
The electrons that come from splitting water, are passed down the redox potential gradient
This energy is used to move protons form the stroma to the cytosol so they can be used to form ATP
Here we are reducing NADP+ to NADPH
Net reaction 2H20 + 2NADP+ → O2+ 2NADPH + 2H+
Describe the structure of photosystem II?
14 subunits of 19 sit in the thylakoid membrane, sticking out on both sides into the thylakoid lumen and the stroma
Core proteins - D1 and D2 (part of the reaction center)
On the thylakoid lumen side it has accessor proteins which turn the oxygen evolving complex, with the aid of the manganese centre
Describe the first stage of photosythesis (LDR)?
Photosystem II
Within the oxygen evolving complex 2 molecules of water are bound
- The energy arrives, after jumping from chlorophyll to chlorophyll, at a ‘special’ pair of chloroplasts called P680
○ Named as 680 nm is the peak wavelength to excite the electrons the most - The energy of excitation causes an electron to hop off and go onto a nearby molecule - pheophytin (similar to chlorophyll but doesn’t contain Mg in the middle)
- The electron then jumps to plastoquinone (Qa)
○ Similar to ubiquinone in mitochondria e.g. Lipophilic and can diffuse within the membrane - The electron is passed to an exchangeable plastoquinone (Qb), and here it picks up to protons from the stroma to reduce the quinone
The electrons from water reduce the reaction centre back again
How does photolysis of water reduce the RC?
The oxygen evolving complex (OEC) breaks down water into 1/2 O2 2H+ and 2e-
OEC cycles between 5 different states S0 through S4 (very high reduction potentials) and O2 is released between S4-S0
The electrons produced reduce the reaction center and the H+ ions contributer to the transmembrane proton gradient
The oxygen evolving complex contains 4 Mn ions that are oxidised by P680+ one step at a time (2+, 3+, 4+, 5+)
There are 4 photons required to generate one O2 molecule
Give a comparison of PSII to R. viridis RC?
PSII is functionally equivalent to the bacterial reaction centre
D1 and D2 are homologous to L and M
The electron transfer pathway is similar, from the special pair to a (bacterio)pheophytin to a bound quinone to an exchangeable quinone
The plant photosystem has additional subunits that act as chlorophyll a binding proteins. These increase the efficiency with which light energy is absorbed
The plant PSII uses water as the electron donor and evolves oxygen
What is the second stage of photosynthesis (LDR)?
Cytochrome b6f complex - it transfers electrons and pumps protons
1. The reduced plastoquinone (QH2) binds at the Qp site and is reoxidised by the cytochrome bf complex -
The protons are deposited in the lumen
This allows us to send the Q back to photosystem II to acquire more electrons
- One electron is donated by plastoquinone to the Rieske complex (FeS), onto Cytochrome f and then plastocyanin (Pc) - a copper containing protein, the goes from oxidised to a reduced state
- The other electron goes via b type hemes to a plastoquinone docked at the Qn site
- This whole process is repeated so now we have 2 electrons on the plastoquinone at the Qn site - which picks up 2H+ from the stroma to form QH2
Overall 2 are oxidised and 1 is reduced = net oxidation of 1 plastoquinone
There is enough energy from the electrons travelling through the cytochrome bf complex to allow 4H+ to moved into the thylakoid membrane space
Due to a high positive redox potential at Pc - more energy is needed to continue the journey
Describe plastocyanin?
Cu-containing redox center - moves between Cu(I) and (II) oxidation states
It is co-ordinated with cystine, methionine and 2 histidine residues
This gives a distorted tetrahedral geometry - accounting for high reduction potential (0.37 V)
Describe photosystem I?
Core proteins with chlorophyll molecules associated with it
Light energy is funnelled into the reaction centre with it’s own ‘special’ pair of chlorophylls
The electrons have travelled from water, through photosystem II and cytochrome bf complex and now is donated from plastocyanin to photosystem I
What is the third stage of photosynthesis (LDR)?
- The electrons arrives from Pc at a ‘special’ pair of chloroplasts called P700
○ Named as 700 nm is the peak wavelength to excite the electrons the most - Photons are absorbed by the P700 chloroplasts to provide energy to excite the electrons
- The excited electrons move to chlorophyll (A0) and then onto Quinone (A1)
- The electrons then undergo some redox reactions through a series of Iron-Sulphur clusters (4Fe-4S), before being transferred to the protein Ferredoxin
- Ferredoxin can then reduce NADP+ to NADPH
- The oxidised reaction centre is reduced by plastocyanin
Light induces a charge separation at P700 to form a cation that is reduced by an electron from plastocyanin
What are the mobile transporters of photosynthesis?
Plastoquinone acts as the mobile transporter between PSII and Cytochrome bf
Plastocyanin acts as the mobile transporter between Cytochrome bf and PSI
What is cyclic electron transport?
Sometimes we need ATP but not the reducing power of NADPH
The chloroplasts can regulate the electrons, depending on demand = carried out by cyclic electron transport in photosystem I
If NADPH is plentiful the Ferredoxin doesn’t donate an electron to NADP+, it will donate the electron back to the cytochrome bf complex, back to plastocyanin, back to P700
This can cycle the electrons, to maintain a proton gradient = production of ATP but not generating NADPH
How else can we generate ATP during photosynthesis?
A pH gradient can drive ATP synthesis in chloroplasts
If we incubate the mitchondria for several hours the neutral inner membrane will equilibrate to pH4
This will allow the H+ to move out of the thylakoid membrane (down it’s concentration gradient) and be used in ATP synthesis
Describe the light harvesting within different organisms?
Light harvesting pigments differ between organisms - they have evolved to take advantage of different wavelengths of light available to them
Pigments also have a role in protection against oxidative damage that can result from the partial oxidation of water and the potential for the escape of reactive oxygen species
Give some examples of light harvesting pigments?
Chlorophyll a and b
Describe carotenoids?
Carotenoids absorb at 400-500 nm and can transfer the light energy to chl (remember longer wavelength = lower energy)
They are isoprenoid compounds derived from geranyl geranyl PP - increasing number of double bonds
Under high light intensities help protect from oxidative damage
Conversion of Vio to Zea dissipates excess light energy- non photochemical quenching (NPQ)
Good anti-oxidants in our diets too
What is resonance energy transfer?
Energy is transferred between adjacent pigment molecules by resonance energy transfer
The photon excites the electrons in the ground state to an excited state - the energy is passed on to adjacent molecules
Takes place through electromagnetic interactions through space (no electron transfer)
This does not require absorption and re-emission of photons
If donor and acceptor molecules are close together (1.5Ǻ) transfer takes picoseconds and occurs with 99% efficiency
Because the reaction centre complex absorbs longer wavelengths it acts as an energy trap or funnel
Describe light harvesting complex II?
This is involved in harvesting light in protein of higher plants
One of a family of LHC proteins associated with PSII
Each polypeptide binds ca 12 molecules of chlorophyll a and b and several carotenoid molecules
3 LHC II polypeptides form a trimer
Describe the association of trimeric LHC complexes with PSI and PSII?
Chlorophyll a is found in reaction centres and antenna complexes whist chlorophyll b is only found in antenna complexes
PSI is monomeric therefore fewer trimers bind
Dimeric PSII core complex has many associated light harvesting complexes
What is the association of LHCII and PSII controlled by?
Redox state
The photosystems need to work in tandem
If PSII > light than PSI, PQ predominantly reduced
High PQH2/PQ activates LHCII kinase
Phosphorylation of LHCII promotes membrane unstacking and migration of LHCII away from PSII
PSII then receives less light energy
As PQH2/PQ ratio falls a phosphatase is activated that reverses the process
How is the thylakoid membrane assembled in the PS complexes?
Thylakoid membrane of plants is heterogeneous and can stack
PSI & ATP synthase primarily in unstacked region
PSII primarily in stacked region
b6f complex in both
Describe the LHC - phycobilins?
Some algae and cyanobacteria contain phycobilins as accessory pigments which are linear tetrapyrrole molecules linked to proteins
Core photosynthetic complexes are similar in plants and cyanobacteria but pigments are different
Little red or blue light penetrates a metre or more of water
Cyanobacteria and red algae have evolved pigments to harvest light in the yellow-green part of the spectrum
Not common in most organisms
Describe the structure of a phycobilisome subunit?
Phycoerythrin protein containing phycoerythrobilin linked via a cys residue
They lie on the surface of the thylakoid and function like solar panels
What can understanding photosynthesis lead to?
Help solve the energy crisis and global warming
Can we learn from nature’s photochemistry to develop better photovoltaic cells or to split water to produce abundant pollution free hydrogen fuel?