Photolithography Flashcards
Which photoresist (neg pos) strengthens bonds in the photo resist when exposed to uv light?
Which photoresist (neg pos) weakens bonds in the photoresist when exposed to uv light?
oxigen interdiffusion occurs when and does what?
in negative photolithography and increases resolution, because oxygen moves to the exposed areas, limitting the spread of increased cross linking
why do we use undercut photoresists?
for lift off, because this allows for a space for the contact of solvent to the photoresist.
What causes broadening of the radiation profile?
scattering of photons at a reflective interfae
How do you make the undercut for lift off?
overexpose the resist. negative photoresist is typically used. positive photoresist doesnt’ get these good angles.
Aligning the mask: which is the most prefered method to align the mask? and why?
self-aligned or conformable masks. These have molecular contact with the machine under constructions, offeres superieor resolution, light has no change to diffract between layers.
What is contact printing?
the photomask is pressed against the resist voverd wafer. this has good resolution, but contact between mask and wafer causes damage and contamination, so this is used in limitted cases.
WHat is proximity printing?
this is when there is a small space between the mask and the photoresist. this takes care of some of the resolution factors that come with contact, but increase loss of resolution due to diffraction through an aperture.
What limits your resolution in contact and proximity printing? (this question is from memory of first and second lecture)
the resolution is limited by the shortest wavelength that you have. … de Broglie Wavelength- the matter wave.
What are the three photoresist profiles we discussed in class?
undercut, vertical (used for absolute accuracy), overcut (use when you want there to be connections). (watch out!!!! define which is under and over cut on an exam or assignment, because Madou changes which one he calls which from slides to his text book)
What exposures are used to make: undercut, vertical, and overcut ?
undercut (lift-off)- high dose, vertical- medium, overcut - low
What are some factors that effect resolution of photolithography?
diffraction of light at the edge of an opaque feature in the mask as light passes , alignment of wafer to mask, nonuniformities in wafer flatness, and debris between mask and wafer.
What are the 10 steps (in order) of photolithography?
1)surface preparation, 2) Photoresist applicatoin, 3)Soft bake 4)Align and expose 5) Develop 6)hard bake 7)Inspection 8)Etch 9)Resist Strip 10)final inspection
What is the first step of photolith? What does it entail?
dehydration bake, clean and dry the water, use hexamethyldisilazane (HDMS) to make the surface hydrophobic, larger contact angle
What type of material is the mask made of?
quartz, this allows for UV to pass through (glass doesn’t)
What is TG?
The glass transition temperature, where galss starts to melt.
Since the photoresist is DISSOLVED away, this means the chemicals can attack the strengthened portion of the photoresist too. How do we prevernt the part we want to keep from going too?
We aim to have the exposed photoresist (positive photres) dissolve chemically at a rate 10 times faster than the unexposed.
Which etching needs to be done in a vacuum?
electron and ion because they react with gas– i.e. most expensive
Which etching (ion, electron, xray, photons) can write the narrowest?
Ion- because a heavier particle has the shortest wavelength, i.e. better resolution
Classify: beam, parallel exposure— ion, xray, photon, electron
beam, parallel, parallel, beam
How is the photoresist applied?
dropped onto spinning wafer (vacuum suction holds it still), or other ways like layer films (not common)
What does the resist spinning thickness rely on?
spin speed, solution concentration, and molecular weight
Why do we soft bake? which step is this?
this is step 3. we want partial evaportaion of the photoresist solvents, this improves adhesion, uniformity and etch resistance, and optimizes light absorbance characterisitcs of photoresist