Photodisorders Flashcards
What is the most common photodermatosis?
Who usually get’s PMLE?
fair-skinned women, usually in their first 3 decades
What type of rxn is thought to underly PMLE?
Type IV hypersensitivity rxn
What is the clinical presentation of PMLE?
Erythematous pruritic papules or plaques appear symmetrically on sun-exposed areas (forearms, chest) several hours to several days after sun exposure
What is the key distinguisher between PMLE and solar urticaria?
Solar urticaria appears quickly, usually within 10-30 minutes as compared to the several hours to days after sun exposure for PMLE
Do PMLE lesions appear in the same location each year?
Yes, same location year and year
Are the morphologies the same for PMLE each time the rash occurs?
NO, so the location is the same but the morphology varies
What is the histology of PMLE?
lymphistiocytic infiltrate around the superficial & deep vascular plexuses +/- subepidermal edema
If you were to perform phototesting and photpatch testing on someone for PMLE what would be the results?
Negative -Repeated doses of UV radiation (UVA > UVB) over several days or a single large multiple MEDA or MEDB dose may trigger PMLE
What type of UVR is more most likely to trigger PMLE?
What is the treatment of PMLE?
Sun avoidance, UVA/UVB sunscreen, hardening & desensitization (NBUVB, UVB + UVA, or PUVA), antimalarials, short-course prednisone
Epidemiology of Actinic prurigo?
Children, girls> boys, begins in childhood and remits during puberty -Most common in Native Americans, especially Mestizo
Is Actinic prurigo a chronic disorder?
It is present during childhood then remits during puberty
What HLA subtype is associated with actinic prurigo?
When is actinic prurigo worst?
During the summer
Clinical of actinic prurigo?
Excoriated papules and nodules +/- cheilitis on all sun-exposed areas (sometimes non-sun-exposed areas)
- Conjunctivitis
- Cheilitis common in Native Americans; cheilitis may be only manifestation in 30% of Mestizos
- May persist for months
Histology of actinic prurigo?
spongiosis, acanthosis, dermal perivascular mononuclear infiltrate with occasional eosinophils; NO papillary edema
What would be the results of phototesting in actinic prurigo?
It would be abnormal in 2/3 –> most react to UVB>UVA
What type of UVR flairs actinic prurigo most?
Tx for actinic prurigo?
Manage like PMLE (topical steroids or tacrolimus = 1st line; NBUVB or PUVA = 2nd line); Thalidomide effective (anti-TNF that modulates the release of IFN-ϒ from CD3+ cells) for resistant dz
What is the difference between actinic prurigo and hereditary PMLE of Native Americans?
Presentation similar to actinic prurigo but persists into adulthood.
What percentage of patients with hereditary PMLE of Native Americans have a + family hx?
What is the clinical of hereditary PMLE of Native Americans?
Papular, excoriated, eczematous dermatitis that occurs predominantly on the face
Conjunctivitis and cheilitis is common
In what population is hydroa vaccinforme most common in?
Children (rare)