Photo Flashcards
Ambient light
(aka available light) light already present in scene
(aka jpeg) Joint Photographic Expert Group. Most common
Photoshop Document file
colors next to each other on the color wheel
(eye pupil) controls amount of light reaching sensor
Artificial light
any light source but the sun or something illuminated by the sun
Bird’s eye
shot from above looking down
Butterfly lighting
(aka paramount lighting) Light in front of subject’s face. Shadow under nose. Good for feminine oval faces.
Camera Raw
application that processes raw uncompressed images
Clone stamp
Photoshop tool that copies pixel info and replaces image pixels
occurs when the dynamic range has been exceeded and information is lost as a result
legal document defining the terms of ownership of work produced
Rule of Thirds
guideline that proposes that an image should be imagined as divided into nine equal parts by two equally spaced horizontal lines and two equally spaced vertical lines, and with important compositional elements placed along these lines or their intersections
Leading Lines
lines that appear in a photograph that have been framed and positioned by the photographer to draw the viewer’s eye towards a specific point of interest
the ability to capture the subject in its simplest form
type of image produced when scanning or photographing an object
form of computer graphics in which visual images are created directly from geometric shapes
Depth of Field
zone of visible sharpness within a photo
first large scale commercial photographic process, used mercury and silver to form images on silver-mirrored tin plates
Digital Single Lens Reflex. camera
Dodge Tool
used to lighten pixels of the image
isolating a specific area of a layer while blocking out the rest
amount of light hitting the sensor and producing light and dark tones
applying concepts like responsibility, power, and dignity to how we we take and share photographs
(aperture setting) number describing the size of aperture
Flatten Image
merges all layers into one
Shutter Speed
amount of time an image is exposed to light
International Organization of Standardization. component that regulates sensitivity of camera sensor to light. (part of Exposure Triangle)
Focal Length
length from the front edge of the lens to the back where the rays of light come together, measured in millimeters
camera accessory for the lens or a pre-made command to alter an image digitally
Graphics Interchange Format
visual device of placing an object in front of the main subject to emphasize it
clear and sharply defined condition of the image OR the adjustment of an optical device necessary to produce a clear image
light positioned behind and above subject used to separate hair and shoulders from the background
Slave Flash
mode that instructs a flash unit to monitor incoming light, and fire when it senses the light produced by another flash unit firing
Image Sensor
digital material sensitive to light and transfers it to a digital image. comparable to the film of a 35mm film camera
Healing Brush
allow you fix imperfections, like scratches, wrinkles, dust spots, etc., causing them to disappear into the surrounding image
company responsible for mass producing the first portable and easy to use camera
Key Light
main brightest light used in a studio setup
method of image compression that reduces file size, resulting in data loss
Macro Lens
lens that magnifies or reproduces an image at a ratio of 1:1 or higher
Serial Digital Interface
Mode Dial
allows selection of the exposure mode
Pixels Per Inch, a measurement of image sharpness/resolution on a digital display screen
Public Domain
works whose intellectual property rights have expired, have been forfeited, or are inapplicable
red, green, blue, the primary colors of the additive color system, three colors our eyes see. Used by monitors and digital cameras
cyan, magenta, yellow and key (black), the primary colors of the subtractive color system used by printers to reproduce photographs
device that opens and closes to expose the film in a camera
Soft Box
lighting modifier used to diffuse light by providing softer lighting
lens with a longer focal length than standard, giving a narrow field of view and a magnified image