Phonologie Flashcards
What is a plosive consonant ?
A plosive consonant is the sounds that are made by creating a block at some point in the vocal tract; the air builds up behind the block and is then released suddenly.
How is a fricative consonant produced ?
It is pronounced through partial blocking of thebarticulators, forming a narrow passage for the air
stream to exit the oral cavity, causing FRICTION (a hissing sound).
What is a minimal pair ?
A minimal pair is a set of two words which vary in pronunciation with respect to ONE phoneme only.
The sound unit which varies brings about a change of meaning, and therefore is proved to be a phoneme.
Which vowels are short ?
/æ/ /e/ /ɪ/ /ɒ/ /ʌ/ /ʊ/ /ə/
Which vowels are long ?
/iː/ /uː/ /ɔ:/ /ɑ:/ /ɜ:/