Phonetics and Phonology Flashcards
What is phonetics?
Phonetics is the study of speech sounds. It concerns how sounds are produced, transmitted and received.
What is phonology?
Phonology is the study of the sound system of a language.
Place of articulation for Bilabial
Lip and Lip (e.g. - b)
Place of articulation for Labiodental
Upper teeth and lower lip (e.g. - v,f)
Place of articulation for Dental
Front teeth and tongue tip (e.g. - th)
Place of articulation for Alveolar
Alveolar ridge and tongue tip (e.g. - d,t,s)
Place of articulation for Palato-alveolar
Near alveolar ridge and blade of tongue (e.g. - j,ch,sh)
Place of articulation for Patal
Hard plate and front of tongue (e.g. - g,k,ng)
Place of articulation for Velar
Soft palate and back of tongue
Place of articulation for Glottal
Glottis and vocal cords (e.g. - h)
What is a monopthong?
A monopthong is a simple vowel that has the same sound throughout its pronunciation.
What is a diphthong?
A diphthong occurs when the tongue starts in one place and moves to another in order to produce the vowel sound.
What are long vowels?
Vowels that are ‘stretched’ in their pronunciation (e.g. - ‘ee’ sound in ‘agree’.
What is elision?
Elision refers to the deletion of a sound in connected speech (e.g. - didn’t, cos, fish n chips)
What is vowel reduction?
Like elision, but vowels in unstressed position are reduced to a schwa. (e.g. - ‘to’ - ‘ta’, ‘you’ - ‘ya’)
What is assimilation?
Occurs when a sound changes to become more like a neighbouring sound. (e.g. - ‘bitter’ becomes ‘bidder’ or ‘butter’ becomes ‘budder’ or ‘sandwich’ becomes ‘samich’)
What is insertion?
Involves the addition of sounds where they don’t strictly belong. (e.g. - ‘humbling’ becomes ‘humb-e-ling’ and ‘athlete’ becomes ‘ath-a-lete’.
What is Stress?
Stress refers to the degree of strength used to pronounce a syllable.
What is the Pitch?
Pitch refers to the ‘height’ of a sound in auditory terms, low to high.
What is Intonation?
The pattern of pitch changes in speech/rising and falling pitch.
What is the Tempo?
(or pace) concerns the speed at which we speak.
What is the Volume?
The loudness
What is articulation?
Where the speech happens in your mouth.
What is the Manner of articulation?
The way of which the articulation is obstructed in the vocal tract when producing a consonant sound.
What is a Phoneme?
A unit of sound
How many different sounds are there in English?
44 different sounds