Phonetics Flashcards
What are the three principles of Phonetics?
Articulatory, Acoustic, Auditory
What do you call a distinctive speech sound?
What is it called when a sound is made with air coming inside the oral cavity?
What is it called when a sound is made with air escaping the oral cavity?
What muscles are involved in maintaining pressure in the lungs?
Intercostals, Diaphragm
What are the glottal states?
Voiced / Voiceless
What is an active articulator?
The tongue because we can move it.
What is a passive articulator?
The alveolar ridge because we cannot move it.
What are the parts of the tongue?
Tip, Blade, Body, Back, Root
Body + Back = Dorsum
What are the coronal positions?
Dental, Alveolar, Palato-Alveolar, Retroflex
What are the dorsal sounds?
Palatal, Velar, Uvular
Nasal sound:
Lowered velum with air going through the nasal cavity.
No pure nasal vowels exist.
An expulsion of sound after a momentary closure.
Usually for non-nasal.
Forcing air through a narrow channel made by placing two articulators close together.
Intermediate between vowels and consonants because they are sonorous but considered consonants.
Produced by vibrations between the articulator and the place of articulation.
Single contraction of the muscles so that one articulator is thrown against another.
No buildup of air pressure.
Combination of two sounds that happen in rapid succession.
/t/ + /sh/ = /ch/
Lateral liquids and rhotics.
/l/ and /r/
w or j
Breathy voice:
vocal folds vibrate and air passes through in a larger amount
Creaky voice:
vocal fry, lowering the rate of vibration
A sound produced when the velum is lowered.
A sound in which the tongue is moved to the hard palate.