What is RBC?
Red Blood Cells
What is WBC
White Blood Cells
What is the primary role of the phlebotomist?
the collection of blood samples for lab analysis to diagnose and monitor medical conditions
Verbal and listening skills make up _
20% of communication
Non-verbal skills contribute _
approximately 80%
Blood is analyzed in what 3 forms?
Whole blood, plasma and serum
Not all tubes are centrifuged (not spun), T or F
A good specimen serum/plasma will be _
pale yellow, straw like
What is Hemolyzed?
specimens that appear red because of the release of hemoglobin from RBC’s
What is Inversion?
Flipping the tube upside down
What are the causes of Hemolysis? (4 causes)
-Not allowing the alcohol to dry before drawing
-Leaving tourniquet on too long
-Not using proper gauge needle
-Not inverting tubes correctly
What is Icteric?
specimens that are yellow because of the presence of excess bilirubin
What is Lipemic?
specimens that are cloudy because of increased lipids
What is Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI)?
A nonprofit organization that publishes recommendations performance of lab testing, develops standard of care for lab procedures. develops laboratory standards worldwide
What is Joint Commission( JC)?
Accredits and Certifies more than 15,000 healthcare organizations and programs in the US.
What is College of American Pathologist (CAP)?
An organization of board certified pathologist advocates high quality and cost effective medical care provides lab accreditation and proficiency testing for labs, perform on site inspections
What is Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA)?
It protects the privacy of your patients
What is Malpractice?
It is misconduct or lack of skill by a health care professional that results in injury to the patient
What is Negligence?
defined as failure to give reasonable care by the healthcare provider must be proved in malpractice suit
What are the 3 different forms of Consent?
Informed, Expressed and Implied
What is Informed consent?
Explain the medical procedure, possible risks and results. NON-JARGON. Patient believes HCP is competent to perform procedure
What is Expressed consent?
After HCP explains procedure patient either gives consent in writing or verbally
What is Implied consent?
gives consent to collect the blood sample by extending arm or rolling up sleeve
What is Infectious Agent?
1st stage- consist of bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses
What is Reservoir?
2nd stage- place where the infectious agent can live and possibly multiply (human, animals and other objects)
What is Portal of Exit?
3rd stage- A way to exit the reservoir in order to continue the chain of infection (nose, mouth, or other mucous membranes)
What is Means of Transmission?
4th Stage- Once the infectious agent has left the reservoir it must have a way to reach the susceptible host (Direct, droplet, airborne, vehicle or vector)
What is Portal of Entry?
(same as portal of exit) infectious agent has been transmitted to a new reservoir it must have a means to enter the reservoir (nose, mouth, etc)
What is Susceptible Host?
This can be a patient or another health care provider, Patients have lower immune systems due to illness
What is Nosocomial?
Infection acquired by a patient during a hospital stay
What is Health Care Acquired Infections (HAI)?
An infection acquired by a patient as the result of a health care procedure that may or may not require a hospital stay
List the Departments in a hospital and what they mean (10)
-Labor & Delivery: Child Birth
-Nursery: Infants
-Pediatrics: Children
-Emergency Room: Immediate Care
-Operating Room: Surgical Procedures
-Recovery Room: Postoperative patients
-Oncology Center: Cancer Treatment
-Intensive Care Unit: Critically Ill patients
-Neonatal Intensive Care Nursery: Newborns experiencing difficulty
-Psychiatric Unit: Mentally disturbed patients
What is Assault?
What is Battery?
the action
What are the 5 Isolations?
Droplet, Contact, Airborne, Vehicle and Vector
What is Droplet?
host inhales material from the reservoir such as aerosol droplets
What is Contact?
Direct contact, unprotected host touches or is touched by reservoir
What is Airborne?
Inhalation of dried aerosol nuclei circulating on air currents or attached to dust particles