PHiP Flashcards
What is health promotion?
The process of enabling people to increase control over and improve their health
What is included in the Ottawa chart for health promotion?
Strengthen community action Develop personal skills Enable mediate action Create supportive environments Reorientate health services
What is the medical approach to health promotion?
Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention
Ignores social determinants of health
What is secondary prevention?
Detecting and treating pre-symptomatic diseases
What is the behavioural change approach to health promotion?
Individuals: attitudes, behaviour, responsibility, choice.
Ignores social determinants of health
What is the educational approach to health promotion?
Enables individuals to make informed choices - Avoids persuasion. Provides skills.
Little on the social determinants of health
What is the empowerment approach to health promotion?
Enhancing the capacity of individuals/populations to identify and address their concerns
Recognises social determinants of health
What is the social change approach to health promotion?
Change society, not individuals
Physical & social environment leads to healthier choices
E.g. smoking ban
What is the precede-proceed model?
Phase 1: Social assessment Phase 2: Epidemiological assessment Phase 3: Educational and ecological assessment Phase 4: Administration/ policy assessment and intervention alignment Phase 5: Implementation Phase 6: Process evaluation Phase 7: Impact evaluation Phase 8: Outcome evaluation
Who did performed an experiment on conformity?
Solomon Asch
What is the aim of marketing?
To increase commercial sales
What is the aim of social marketing?
Address lack of knowledge
What is the aim of the social norms approach?
Address misperceptions of the norm
What is a theme?
Themes are recurrent and distinctive features of participants’ accounts, characterising particular perceptions and/or experiences, which the researcher sees as relevant to the research question
How are themes identified?
Immersing in the data, coding transcripts until data saturation, organising codes into categories, generating themes
What is AnSWeR?
Antenatal screening web resource. Interviews with people with tested-for conditions and their families
“The set of linked activities required to assess the … needs of a population, specify the services required to meet those needs within a strategic framework, secure those services, monitor and evaluate the outcomes” is…?
What are the 3 main stages of commissioning?
Planning, procurement, monitoring.
What are the 4 key lifestyle factors that come under multiple behaviours?
Alcohol, smoking, healthy diet, physical activity
What is the generalised drinking behaviour of over 65s?
More frequent, less heavy
What is the effect of employment on smoking and drinking?
More smokers unemployed. People in employment drink more frequently.
What are the 10 principles set out by the Kings Fund, concerning commissioning?
- Support for self-management
- Primary prevention
- Seconday prevention
- Reducing admissions for people with ambulatory care sensitive conditions
- Improving management of patients with mental and physical health needs
- Better coordinated and intergrated care
- Support for end-of-life care
- Effective medicines management
- Managing elective activity
- Systemating approach to urgent care
What was the intention of launching NICE?
To end care by postcode and standardise quality of care across the NHS.
What is the NHS 5YFV board?
Many different representative e.g. NHS England etc.
NHS 5 year forward view board.
What guidance does NICE give the NHS?
Technology appraisals Guidance on devices and diagnostics Medical technology guidance - cost saving Interventional procedures Clinical guidelines
What is interventional procedures guidance?
Guidance as to whether interventional procedures for diagnosis and treatment are safe enough and work well enough for routine use in the NHS
What is colloquial evidence?
Can compliment scientific evidence or give missing information on context. Evidence about values, practical considerations and the interests of specific groups.
What are the 6 agreed domains of guideline production?
Topic referral, scoping, development, consultation, validation, publication
What is the citizen’s council?
30 people who reflect the social make up of the population in England and Wales. Consider societal and ethical issues.
What must economic evaluation take into account?
Comparison of one health care intervention with one or more alternatives for the same population group.
The costs and consequences of interventions.
What are Patient Access Schemes?
A mechanism to share the cost of a new drug between the NHS and the company