Philosophy - Revelation Flashcards
What is a revelation?
A revelation occurs when something about God, the way in which God wants people to behave, or the meaning of life becomes clear/visible.
What is a revelation for Buddhists?
As Buddhists do not believe in God, a revelation for them is something that leads to an understanding of the nature of things.
Where do revelations come from?
From God directly or indirectly by an angel or other means.
Argument that God cannot be known:
Some theists would argue that God cannot be known because he is beyond human understanding and can’t be described using the limits of human language.
In what ways can God reveal himself?
- direct meeting, dream or vision - nature - worship - prayer - sacred writings - life and work of important people - miracles - conscience - belief (conviction)
Define: immanence
The idea that God is present and involved with life on earth and in the universe (within his creation)
Define: transcendence
The idea that God is beyond and outside of life on earth and in the universe (outside of his creation)
What is a general revelation?
God becoming known through ordinary, common, human experiences or natural means. - It is INDIRECT and available to everyone.
Examples of a general revelation:
- Seeing presence of God in nature - Seeing God in the holy book of the religion - Seeing God in the writings of religious leaders - Seeing God in the life and work of other people - Seeing God’s character revealed through reason, conscience and faith - Experiencing God through prayer and worship - Belief and conviction in God
What is a special revelation?
An individual or group of people experiencing God directly often through unusual and specific events. - It is DIRECT and only available to certain people.
Examples of a special revelation:
- enlightenment - hearing God’s call - visions/dreams - miracles - prayer/worship - The Holy Qur’an - sense of God in nature - belief and conviction in God
Explain enlightement:
Buddhists seek understanding of truth. They are seeking how to end suffering and achieve happiness by escaping the cycle of birth and death.
Explain the special revelation of hearing God’s call:
Founders of religions believed that God has spoken to them directly.
Often result in conversions or changes in lifestyle/beliefs which in itself is seen as prove for the existence of God and their claim to speaking to God.
Explain the special revelation of visions and dreams:
Believers often hear the voice of God in visions or dreams.
Visions = people see holy people, angels or hear messages from God (e.g. St Bernadette).
Dreams = direct revelation from God (e.g story of Jacob, in Genesis 28:10-22, where he saw a ladder to heaven and angels going up and down it, realising that God is willing to forgive sins if people turn back to him)
Explain how a miracle is a special revelation:
Miraculous healing = recovery from serious illness or disability in a way that medical science has no explanation.
Convinces people that God has intervened.