Philosophy - Quotes Flashcards
Problem of Evil: Alexsander Solzhenitsyn
“The battle-line between good and evil runs through the heart of every man.”
Problem of Evil: Jordan Peterson
Evil exists because good is possible. By personally reading history, you recognise bad exists at your core, which straightens you out.
Problem of Evil: J.L Mackie
It is impossible to reconcile God as both all-loving, all-powerful and good, with evil and suffering. (Created inconsistent triad)
Problem of Evil: Dostoevsky, Brothers Karamazov.1
“Acts of great evil.” -> stories of turks + mothers, or boy killed by hounds.
Problem of Evil: Genesis
“Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness; so that they may rule over the fish in the sea, and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and all over the creatures that move along the ground.”
Teleological - J.S Mill
“Not even in the most contracted, distorted frame of good created by religion, can nature be made to resemble the work of a being all at once, good and omnipotent.”
Teleological - Hume
“The strength of an analogy lies in the similarity between it and the analagous”
“Anything must produce anything.”
Teleological - Frederick Temple (Archbishop of Canterbury)
Genesis was a religious message, not a scientific document and does not conflict evolution.
Teleological - Dawkins (The blind watchmaker)
“Evolution has no long-term goal. There is no long-distant target, no final perfection to serve as a criterion for selection.”
Teleological - John Polkinghorne
Modern physics, chemistry and biology are beginning to understand the complexity of matter. It can work with religion to understand experience and life.
Teleological - Aquinas
“Nothing comes from nothing. The universe exists so something must have made it.”
Teleological - Russel
Aquinas was already religious, thus the cosmological argument does not substantiate as scientific argument.
Teleological - Entropy / Does god play dice? Ian Stewart.
Science has shown things move from high order to low order, yet we still have such complexity in the world that could not have come from simple things. Therefore God or something else must exist.
Does god play dice?
“Chaos theory has shown that even simple systems with the most precise laws can nevertheless act in a random manner.”
Teleological - Vardy
“Mill assumes that an imperfect world implied a limited designer.”
Teleological - Swinburne
Anthropic principle makes sense, but is not conclusive evidence of God. Simply makes it more probable.